The Harry Wilson Job (Part 2)

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"Maria" The hitter called out to the marshall. "Hey" he greeted. "Federal codes for the power grid. Backdoors into every substation and plant's operating software" She said, holding up a USB.

"Thank You-" Eliot moved to grab the USB when the marshall moved it out of the way. "If you were a Fed, you'd already have these. Black ops, NSA, all the things I assumed you were, you'd get them easier than I could. So, you wanna tell me why I should hand you something that could end my career?" She said.

"Come here" He said softly, maneuvering them towards a bench. "That rig explosion a few months ago. That was us"

"You didn't blow up an oil rig" She chuckled.

"No, we tried to stop it. But it's big, it's bigger than we thought" Eliot said.

"You've carefully avoided saying who you work for" She squints.

"We work outside the law" He conceded. "You're criminals" The marshall accused.

"No" "And you want me to hand you this?"

"It's not- we...used to be criminals. Alright we...we helped people. We work for the government, off the books, but FBI, NSA, this guy named Mc Sweeten" He listed.

"I'm sorry, agent Todd Mc Sweeten, the head of the FBI counterterrorism division? Why don't you just say you know deputy director Taggert?" She chuckled.

"Well-.... I'm not lying to you. We are the good guys," He said, defeated.

"I absolutely believe you. I know you, I know you want to help people. I've seen you risk your life to help people. And I think...I may be in love with you," she whispered.

"I know how you feel. I never really opened up to...anyone. I never told-"

"Stop" The marshall stood up "I'm a U.S marshall. It's what I've always wanted to be. My life's work" She said.

"And I'm not worth the risk, huh?" He sighed.

She grasped his arm, pressing her head against his "The bitch of it is, i think you are. You're a good man...but you're still a criminal...and I won't cross that line. Goodbye Eliot" She whispered, turning to leave the hitter.

The hitter starred in a daze at her retreating form, the USB in his hands, his heart however, breaking.



"If we can't call Harry, and Harry can't call us. How are we supposed to know he's in place to install the backdoor on his end?" Breanna asked.

"We trust him, and since he's in the belly of the beast, he has to trust us. So we better get this right," said Sophie.

"Any problems?" She asked


~Power substation~

"No, we're good. We just need to get back downstairs" Hardison answered. Sa-i huffed as she scratched at her neck, the uniform they adorned irritating her skin.

"Woah woah woah woah, where are you people going?" The substation worker questioned stopping them in their tracks.

" Uh bro, we, uh... We're the National Electric Grid Wildlife Interaction Task Force. See this here?" The hacker bluffed, showing the man their badges.

"Wait what?" The worker asked in confusion.

"We're here to make sure your anti-squirrel screens are up to federal standard" Parker said in a southern accent.

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