The Harry Wilson Job (Part 1)

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~Somewhere in the eastern hemisphere~

*Tick tick tick tick*

The subtle sound of Sa-i's stopwatch counting down echoed through the vacant apartment. The assassin in question perched on the window sill, sniper in hand. This is it, 2 months of prepwork and set up all lead to this point. She took a deep breath, concentrating as she aimed her scope at her target, corrupt billionaire turned tyrannical president. The man stood near the window of his fancy penthouse, unaware of his impending doom.

Sa-i observed as he berated his servants, yelling at them as they kneeled by his feet, tears pouring out their eyes. She sighed, pulling the trigger, the bullet traveling rapidly straight through his heart. The man dropped dead instantly, blood pooling around him.

"Good riddance" She muttered, having seen the evil and chaos the man inflicted on his country. as she moved to pack her rifle, preparing for extraction.


"Shit" Sa-i huffed, jolted by the sound of her phone buzzing. "Who is this?" She said calmly into the phone. "Who- Hardison? What?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah I'll be right there" She assured before ending the phone call, now packing her gear with more urgency.


~Leverage HQ~

"Hey, I got here as soon as I could," Sa-i said, shucking her coat. "My condolences man" She said softly, placing a comforting hand on Eliot's shoulder. "Thanks but I'm fine, what I want to know is why Harry is with RIZ" He gruffed.

"There's no doubt. according to tax records, Harry Wilson started working for RIZ two days after the trial" Breanna said.

"The situation with his ex. I mean, he was compromised for the whole con" Sophie said.

"Explains why he cut off all contact with us. He wasn't sad, he was just going back to being evil Harry" Breanna huffed.

"But why wouldn't they hire him? A corrupt fixer of 20 years. He knows the law, money laundering, politics inside and out" Sophie listed.

"But he's gone against RIZ" Breanna emphasized.

"Yeah, and proven himself. Company like that, a person like Bligh, they look at that as an audition" Eliot said.

"He recognized me, we were this close together and he let me walk away. Why?" Sophie questioned, still holding on the sliver of hope in Harry's innocence.

"No, we're not having this conversation again. He lied to us before, and we let it slide because he was your project. Not everybody can be saved" Parker shut her down.

"Look, the fact is, he was on the dark side. He slid back, it happens. Some people can't resist the temptation" Eliot said.

"But if he's been working with them for two months, maybe he knows something, right? Maybe he can tell us all about new security or what RIZ is up to" Sa-i offered.

Sophie pondered for a moment, "All right, let's do this. Let's go steal our Mr.Wilson"


"Ooh! pirate hat" Parker exclaimed as she rummaged through the disguise bin. "No" Eliot dismissed quickly, handing a construction cap to Sa-i.

"Alright what is this place?" Eliot questioned as He, Parker, and Sa-i infiltrated the building, dressed as construction workers.

"Power substation of the southeast grid, in theory owned by Southern Power Solutions Incorporated. But they've got some funky stuff with their ownership chain" Breanna briefed.

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