The Bucket Job (Part 2)

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Sophie walked through the Leverage base, passing by Breanna, who was testing the fake gunshots. "Ooh, I like the silencer sounds. Maybe a bit louder, more paper bits flying out," she said.

"Copy that," Breanna nodded, giving her a thumbs up.

Sophie continued down the hall, passing Parker, who was yelling into the phone. "Re.pre.sen.ta.tives! Representatives! Agent!" Parker screamed.

"If you can't get me a helicopter, we'll do it at the docks. In a cigarette boat," Sophie said, her voice casual but firm. Parker hummed in affirmation, then went back to yelling at the phone.

Sophie smiled when she passed Sa-i, who was cleaning fake guns. "The guns and costumes are exquisite, Ms. Moon. Excellent," Sophie complimented.

"Thanks, got the measurements from Maurice," Sa-i replied, not looking up as she continued cleaning.

Just then, a red Lamborghini pulled into the driveway, catching Sophie's attention. "He got a red one! It's really flashy!" Sophie chuckled, her voice louder so the others could hear.

"But it's... Christmassy," Eliot said, waving at the car with a grin.

"Ah! There's my director! I have a question about the script," Harry said as Sophie entered the bar area.

"It's a story of honor and treachery. When a spy is betrayed, it's up to a small-time librarian to complete the mission and save the day," Sophie explained.

"Yeah, yeah, I get all that. But my question is about this." Harry showed her the script.

"Ah, Mr. Wilson enters," Sophie nodded.

"Yeah, but where am I coming from? What just happened, how do I feel about it?" Harry pressed, wanting to get deeper into his role.

"You just flew in from Berlin on a G4, and you radiate the confidence of a man secure in his convictions," Sophie said with a flourish.

"Breanna, put the button cam down," Sophie ordered when she noticed Breanna making faces on the big monitor.

Sophie then stood in front of the team, ready to give her final briefing. "Right, tomorrow's showtime. I needn't remind you that our mark is not driven by greed, revenge, or fear—the usual buttons we push. This is a simple man living a simple life, which makes it infinitely more difficult for us to deceive him. We all need to be on top of our game. Any questions?"

"I hired three of my buddies from the service—they're playing the stunt fighters. Can I get six?" Eliot asked, his face hopeful.

"If you can get me a helicopter. Otherwise, no," Sophie shook her head, her tone final.

Parker suddenly threw her hands in the air, accidentally smacking Eliot. "Ooh! What if things get too exciting for Mr. Blanche, and he, you know..." She mimed choking sounds.

"Yeah, we need definitely a safe word," Sa-i added.

~The Next Day~

Eliot entered the library, panting and clutching his side. Mr. Blanche, however, hadn't noticed him yet. "Ah, there's the hero! Told you that was a page-turner. Did you come back for another?" Mr. Blanche greeted him with a cheerful smile.

Still panting, Eliot grasped the table and showed the librarian his blood-stained hands. "I need your help."

Blanche froze, his gaze locked on Eliot's hands. "You need to go to the hospital," Blanche said, concern evident in his voice.

Eliot quickly removed the rubber gloves he'd been wearing and tossed them onto the table. "No, no. Just a graze. No doctors. They'll find me there."

"Who's 'they'? Who attacked you?" Blanche questioned, his voice rising with worry.

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