The Double Edged Sword Job (Part 3)

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"Everything is in position. Now, Cheng is the type who cannot handle the slightest deviation in his routine. First, we're gonna ruin the big sale, then we're gonna hack into his servers. Everything goes to plan, we're in Cheng's house by tonight" Sophie says, repeating the plan once more. "Harry?"

"Sent a text to Cheng's phone from Harwick's email pushing the meeting 15 minutes. He's gonna love it" Harry answers, looking up from his spot as the cafe's cashier.

"Hi, Welcome!" He greets Cheng cheerfully "Do you have a reservation?"

"Reservation? I-its a coffee bar" Cheng says confused, "we are under new ownership, it's kind of an attempt to crack down on all those people who order a single cup of coffee and camp out at the tables all day" Harry answers

"I'm here for a meeting"

"I have a meeting right here on my books, but it started 15 minutes ago. And it looks like, oh my, attendees are already here...Name?"

"I'm Joseph Cheng, let me go." Cheng says.

"I will get your drink started right away Mr. Cheng" Harry smiles as Cheng walks away from him and to the meeting table.

"Joseph! There you are" Harwick hollers as Cheng approaches his table, next to Harwick's two RIZ representatives. "Buddy, sorry I'm late. Wasn't my fault, but I'm ready to start- Ah-" Cheng fell down the moment he sat, crashing to the floor.


"You sure this'll work S?" Breanna asks, sawing at one of the chair legs. "Trust me B, it will" Sa-i smirks, sawing at the chair leg opposite of Breanna's.

<end of flashback>

"I- I'm okay" Cheng hissed as he pulled the new chair from Harry. "Breathe" Harwick says, gesturing for Cheng to start. "For a small extra fee, Searchlight can be coded to i-ignore images of p-powerfull people such as yourselves." Cheng says, sipping his coffee and spitting it out right after. "Joseph!" Harwick exclaims.

"This drink is cold! It's got coconut in it!" Joseph shouts, "I'm so sorry" Harry apologizes. "Are you totally incompetent?!?! I'm gonna have to rinse out my mouth now! Tch." He huffs, walking away and to the bathroom.

"Gentlemen, I'm- I'm sorry. Uh sometime.. Genius.. Comes with a price" Harwick says, "Come on, let's go" The Riz representative stands up, ignoring Harwick's protests. Harwick frowns, rubbing his temple. He ponders for a moment before opening his laptop.




"Social interactions consultant?" Breanna asks, "I'm just glad it worked" Harry laughs. "Now, I'm gonna keep Cheng distracted with tips on how to be a human being. Parker's gonna find a weakness in his hardware, which lets breanna hack in and wipe the root code" Sophie says "Let's do it"


"Oona Reynolds, Mr. Cheng and this is Tanner, my plucky assistant" Sophie greets Cheng as he opens the door. Cheng nods and opens the door wider, letting Sophie and Parker in. "We're here to help you prepare for your make or break presentation" Sophie says as she walks into the house with Cheng. "Ooh like a museum, oh i don't like being invited into museums. Spoils the fun~" Parker mumbles, looking around the spacious mansion. "What kind of fun do you mean?" A robotic voice speaks up from somewhere in the house, shocking Parker and Sophie.

Inside the Food Truck, Breanna exclaims "Whoa whoa, hey, what was that?" Her eyes widened. "Did that just come from the house?" Eliot asks. "Damn, Ai?" Sa-i says.

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