The Double Edged Sword Job (Part 1)

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Later that night, after the Leverage team had left their apartment, Vica crawled into bed and snuggled up to her wife. "So, are you thinking of joining them, my love?" she asked.

"No, we're a package deal, babe, and you'll be busy with that job in Nicaragua," Sa-i shook her head.

"Exactly, I'll be busy with a job. Besides, it'll be good for you to make some real friends, darling," Vica said.

"Hey, my online friends are real," Sa-i retorted.

"Yes, but other than on cons, the only physical social interactions you have are with me, darling," Vica chuckled. "Give it a shot, my love. I promise you'll like working in a team more than you realize," she said, rubbing Sa-i's chest softly.

"Very well, 자기," Sa-i smiled, kissing Vica's temple before pulling her closer.

~Next day~

Ding dong The doorbell rang, and a moment later, the door opened slightly to reveal Sophie's face.

The grifter smiled and opened the door wider. "Welcome to Leverage Inc., Ms. Moon."

<End of Flashback>

"Hardison is in Yemen? What's he doing there?" Sophie asked as she and Parker came down the stairs.

"The government shut down internet access for the people. So, right now, he's moving a satellite. He enjoys the work, but Yemeni food doesn't exactly agree with his irritable—you know what," Breanna explained.

"Like an actual satellite? In space?" Sa-i asked.

"Well, technically it's in the exosphere, but our client is a little closer to home." Breanna clicked the remote in her hand, pulling up pictures and slides on the big screen.

"Libby Barnes? What's up, Parker? Where is she now?" Eliot questioned.

"She's in one of our safe houses. Her and her daughter, Frankie, are okay," Parker reassured the hitter, "for now."

"This is Libby's abusive ex, Reece, a cop in a small town called Arlo, Louisiana, just a couple of miles from here. Libby got full custody of her daughter, but Reece wouldn't leave them alone. Four years ago, Hardison, Eliot, and I helped hide Libby and Frankie in a new town, gave them new identities—the works," Parker began, introducing the team to their new client.

Breanna clicked another button, and a series of ID cards, pictures, and documents started cycling through the screen.

"That's an algorithm Hardison built to scrub images off the internet. It finds every recognizable image the person is searching for and makes it disappear, even the ones they didn't know existed," Parker continued. Sa-i whistled, impressed.

"Makes satellites move in space, writes algorithms, scrubs identities off the internet—your brother's very impressive," Harry complimented.

"How did Reece find Libby after all this time?" Sophie asked, raising the million-dollar question.

"See, that's what doesn't make sense. The only way Reece could've done it is by somehow beating Alec's algorithm," Breanna frowned.

"Arlo Police Department?" Harry suggested.

"So some random cops cracked his algorithm?" Breanna scoffed.

"They could've done it analog," Eliot said. "They might've just put out a word about this guy's ex-wife and gotten lucky."

"And then they gave her address to their abusive buddy," Breanna raised an eyebrow.

"It happens. People have a hard time believing their friends are capable of abuse," Sophie sighed.

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