Part 13

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Addy's POV

OMG what the fuck just happened, I really didn't just meet my biological mother did I, it must be a dream, I was thinking to myself as I drove home, I just wanted to wife to get back so I could tell her everything, I need to get it off my chest before my brain crumbled into a thousand little pieces, but he wouldn't be home for another few days, so I decided to stop off at McDonald's on my way home and eat anyways my feelings before crawling into to bed and sleep for the next 12 hours straight, this whole meeting my new family thing was getting quite tiring.

"Hi welcome to McDonalds, what can I get stared for you today"

"Hi, hello, please can I have 2 double cheese burgers extra cheese and no pickles on both please, a large fries, and a large Diet Coke please... and you know know what add a McChicken onto that please, extra Mayo" I say.

"Is that all for you today ?"

"Yes thank you" I reply.

"Awesome, pull upto the first window when you are really please.

Soon enough I got my food and made my way back home, eating one double cheeseburger burger in the car, I was just so tired I just wanted to get home, eat and then sleep, I was too tired to even notice that my wife's car and reappeared on the drive way.

I opened the door to the quiet house and walked into the kitchen only to find Sadie sat at the kitchen table.

"YOUR HOME !!" I shout and I bumped the food on the side and ran straight upto her hugging her as tightly as possible. "I missed you so much"

"I've missed you too baby, the project finished a little early so I thought I'd surprise you and the little bug." She replied she still hugging me and I started to cry.
"What's up baby, you are never normally this happy to see me ?" She asked concerned as she pulled away and look at me in my eyes.

"I heard a knock on the door and I opened it and my sister was stood there, my twin, and then she got hurt and I went to see her today and my biological mother was there was well and turns out she didn't abandon me it was my abusive father and..." I told her and the speed of light.

"Woah, woah, woah slow down, what sister, what mother, what." She said not really getting what I was saying because i talked so fast while also crying. " why don't we sit down and you can tell me everything."

"I want My McDonald's" I said as I started to cry even more.

"Is this pregnancy hormones?" I asks even more confused as to why I was crying over McDonald's so I just nodded.

"Okay okay, why don't you sit down on the sofa and I will heat up your food for you, I'm sure it cold by now and then high can tell me everything" she asks, me not even responding and just walking to the sofa.

After a few minutes Sadie returned with a plate full of McDonald's, handing me the plate and then sitting next to me. Once she sat down I leant against her sat inbetween her legs half laying down.

"Was all this food for you ? You barley finish your happy meal normally" she questioned.

"Ummm yeah... and I ate a double cheeseburger on the way home " I tell her.

"Can I have a bite?" She asks as I tilt my head back to look at her.

"No, but you can have a fry" I tell her as I pick up the smallest fry, dipping it in ketchup and popping it in her mouth.

"Thank you baby, but now are you ready to tell me what happened again, but slowly this time" she asked me.

"When I was at home one day just chilling watching a new episode of Grey's Anatomy, I heard a knock on the door, I just assumed it was another delivery but there she way standing at my door, my sister and her wife" I tell her calmly and slowly.

"How did you know it was her though ?" Sadie questioned.

"We are identical and I mean identical, not sure I could even tell us apart, anyways the second I opened the door I knew it was her and i immediately hugged her"

"You didn't go all crazy on her did you?" She asked.

"Well no... maybe, just a little, I was so overwhelmed seeing her I just kinda freaked out" I replied.

"But how did she knew where to find you" she questioned.

"Quit with all the questions just let me tell you the story...... sorry..... but yeah funny story actually, when I was at my OB appointment this woman came upto me thinking I was someone else, turns out that person was maya's wife carina, then later on when I had my accident carina was one of the people helped me out, turns out she is a doctor but was helping out at maya's fire station, from there she kind of put 2 and 2 together and told Maya, who didn't even know I existed, she didn't believe carina until she spoke to her mother who tried to deny it but Maya didn't believe her." I told her. "When she arrived I invited her in, we started talking but then she had to rush off to a big fire down town but we had agreed to meet up in a few days to get to know each other more, but she didn't really respond, turns out she was in hospital because she had had an accident in work, she asked if I could meet her tomorrow but being the best sister I am, I went around today with food for her and carina so they didn't have to cook"

"But baby you can't cook, she might end back in hospital with food poisoning" Sadie told me giggling as I slapped her arm.

"Rude.... Anyways I knocked on her door and she opened it, a few seconds later, her moth- my mother appeared out of nowhere. To cut a long story short, she  didn't abandon me, her abusive husband did in the middle of the night, I talked with her but I'm not ready to open my arms to her like I did with Maya, I've always wanted to get to know my sister, but my biological mother is a different story, I love my parents deeply and they have me the greatest life I could have possibly imagined. I haven't even told them yet, or anyone actually, I don't want to ruin there cruise" I said as tears started to roll down my face again.

"Oh babe that must have been awful, I'm so sorry" she says as she wraps her arms around me tightly. "Do you know what you are going to do ?"

"I have no idea...."

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