Ciel x Sebastian

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It had been a few months since Ciel had found himself in the company of a certain smug demon called Sebastian. He had found himself leaving all his former goals in the dust to serve Sebastian's every whim and it seemed he was enjoying himself if not a little too much.

Ciel had never expected to find such strong feelings of desire for the supernatural butler but he could not deny the warmth he felt in his heart whenever he was in the same room as Sebastian.

The 18 year-old had always been something of an enigma, shrouded in mystery and with a kind of hidden power that made all those around him feel a little uneasy. But since meeting Sebastian his understanding of the world began to unravel.

Today was no exception. Ciel had been working hard all morning and while taking a break in his private study, he found himself feeling restless and in need of something, or someone, to take his mind off his current predicament.

Their eyes met across the room and an electric silence filled the air. Ciel had no idea what Sebastian was thinking but suddenly felt the urge to go to him.

Sebastian seemed to sense something and almost as if he were beckoning Ciel over to him he said, "Would you like me to help you, young master?" Ciel nodded mutely, unable to take his eyes off the mysterious butler before him.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sebastian took Ciel in his arms and began to take off his clothes until the 18 year-old was no longer able to contain his urge to simply take in the moment.

Ciel lined himself up with Sebastian and without warning he slammed into him, making him moan slightly. Although the sensation far surpassing anything Ciel had imagined, it was still not what he had been expecting and the overwhelming emotions caused by this sudden intimacy was enough to make him forget everything else, even his own name.

Sebastian moved the both of them around the room, guiding Ciel faster and faster as he moaned in pleasure. Then, at the apex of the moment, they both came at the same time, Ciel shaking in bliss beneath Sebastian's strong and steady hold.

As Sebastian redressed them both, Ciel felt engulfed in a strange kind of happiness he thought he would never experience. So much had changed since he had come across this demon and he had no regrets.

As darkness finally engulfed the room, Ciel could not help but to beg his beloved demon to stay with him. And so, Sebastian obliged and the two of them spent the rest of the day in bed together.

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