Deku x Bakugou pt 2 ik y'all want it

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Katsuki's heart dropped like a stone, his body trembling as his mind raced to think of what this meant. He had risked so much by not using protection, and now he realized the consequences he and Izuku would have to face. He was desperate to protect Izuku from any distress he may feel, so he held the omega close and whispered, 'I will protect you, no matter what happens.'

Izuku was still gasping for breath from the pleasure Katsuki had given him, and Katsuki felt a sudden rush of guilt. He had been so focused on his own pleasure that he had neglected to think of Izuku's wellbeing.

Katsuki quickly wrapped Izuku up in his arms and began to stroke his back, whispering something comforting in his ear. Izuku felt so safe in Katsuki's embrace, the alpha's touch that lingered and eased his worries away. It was easy to forget that Katsuki was an alpha, so powerful and determined, when he was so gentle and caring when their souls were connected like this.

Katsuki loved how Izuku responded to him, and he was certain that the omega felt the same. Ever since the day they had first met, Katsuki had loved Izuku deeply. And now, after the passionate experience they had just shared, Katsuki felt his love for Izuku increase tenfold. He was certain that Izuku felt the same way too, and that this could open a long future of love and contentment between the two of them.

Katsuki stayed in Izuku's arms for what felt like hours, until the sun had begun to set. They both smiled at each other, knowing that something special had just occurred between the two of them.

Katsuki leaned in and gently kissed Izuku on the lips and whispered, 'I love you, Izuku.' Izuku's reply was a loving smile, and a tender kiss to Katsuki's cheek.

And from that moment forward, the two of them were inseparable. They would cherish every moment spent together, and despite all the obstacles they may face in the future, they would look back at this moment with absolute love and understanding. For they knew that their hearts were inextricably entwined, and nothing could ever tear them apart.

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