John x Tomas

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  John and Thomas had been friends since they met in their freshman year of college. They were two vastly different people – John was shy and introverted, while Thomas was more of an extrovert with an infectious energy and enthusiasm. Both of them were relatively naïve when it came to romance, but there was a spark between them that seemed to draw them together. At first, they were just friends. They hung out together in the library, working on assignments and chatting about their classes. John felt comfortable talking to Thomas, perhaps because he was so easy to talk to. After a few weeks, they started to do things together outside of studying. They went to movies, hung out in coffee shops, and even went on a few dates to get to know each other better. Their friendship grew stronger with each passing day, and soon enough, it became something more. The two boys found themselves forming a deep bond, one that neither of them expected. They started to share their secrets, their dreams, and their fears. They told each other about their families, their pasts, and their futures. But they both knew that their relationship had to remain a secret. Even though they were close, they were both aware that if anyone found out about them, their friendship would be in danger. So they kept it to themselves, hiding it away from the world. But they couldn't hide it forever. Eventually, their feelings for each other grew too strong to ignore. They started to act differently around each other, and their friends noticed the change in their behavior. Thomas was more open with his emotions, and John was more confident in himself. The two boys were still just friends, but deep down, they both knew that they wanted more. They wanted to express their love for each other without fear. They wanted to be free to share their feelings, without being scared of the consequences. One day, Thomas finally gathered the courage to tell John how he felt. He confided in him his deepest emotions, and John felt the same way. They decided that they would take the chance and pursue a romantic relationship. Their relationship slowly blossomed, but they were still scared. They didn't want anyone to find out, so they kept it to themselves. They knew that it was wrong, but they didn't care. All they wanted was each other, and that was enough. The boys tried to spend as much time together as possible, but it was difficult. John had classes during the day, and Thomas had a part-time job. So they had to find creative ways to be together. They found themselves sneaking off during classes to be together. They would meet up behind the library, or in an alleyway near campus. They would talk and kiss, and eventually, they started having sex. It felt wrong, but it also felt right.

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