Chapter 35 (Roche)

Start from the beginning

Vials and jingling coins exchanged hands. Loretta disappeared into the shadows. Roche pressed closer, watching as the inkblood in the vials seemed to press against the glass towards her. She gulped, lowering her voice to a clipped rasp.

"Who bought out your stock?" she asked. The vendor paused, tilting his head.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Uh..." Come on Roche, think of something! Act like Tigris or something! "I want to know if they're selling too!" she yelped. The vendor sneered at her.


"Go take your chances with that creep, then! She's still staying in the lodge and planning on using all of the stock I sold her. I guarantee she won't give them to you, and certainly not for a better price." the vendor snapped, flicking his wrist to dismiss her. Roche made an affronted sound, but noticed that more inkblood was creeping up the side of the glass vials like it wanted to escape and follow her. She was beginning to draw looks from the other customers. So she tutted and turned around, hurrying back to the market. Her chest only loosened when she was back in a crowded section of the market, in front of some dried food stall.


She spun around, finding Aodh and Tigris storming towards her, dragging Finn by the arm behind them like a lost puppy on a leash. She tried to slow her heart's pounding.

"No horses, then?" she asked. Tigris glared.

"We're going to get them when we leave. Now, back to you! You can't just run off like that without telling us! You could've gotten lost." Tigris snapped.

Roche scowled. "I told Finn where I was going."

"Finn doesn't count, he's as harebrained as you! We found him trying to go after you." Aodh snapped, flicking the youngest royal in the forehead. Finn squawked in protest as Roche smirked.

"Aww, were you two worried about me? That's so touching!" she teased, placing her hand on her chest. To her delight, their faces turned red.

"Shut up!" Aodh and Tigris shouted simultaneously. Roche giggled, letting the tension fall from her shoulders.

"Alright, alright. So, I found some food."

"Yeah about that..." Tigris said, rubbing the back of her neck, "You can only get a few things. We spent the rest on waterskins and the horses. We only have a few gold pieces left over and even fewer silvers."

Concern knotted Roche's stomach. "How few?"

The princess bit her lip apprehensively. "Ten," she admitted. Roche gasped.

"I can't even buy a vegetable with that!"

"Oh cheer up!" Tigris exclaimed, "We know how to forage and hunt. All you have to do is cook."

Roche felt ready to burst into tears. "But... my spices!"

"Sorry, Roche. Hopefully we'll have more next time." Finn said to the back of a rather burly customer, who looked alarmed when he noticed the boy talking to him. Tigris snickered, and Finn scowled. "Roche?"

"I'm over here, Finn." Roche muttered desolately. She turned to the vendor. "We'll take those herbs, please. Dried and powdered." She looked longingly at the spices that they couldn't afford. Oh well. She'd gotten used to Verita's cooking by now, she could survive some bland food for a little while.

"Finn! Where are you going?" Roche turned at Aodh's shout, tucking away her newly acquired herbs. Tigris was chasing after her brother. Roche's heart sank as she realised where the prince was wandering off too. Roche hurried after them.

Finn was following a cloaked figure into the desolate area of the market. "I'm following Roche!" he called over his shoulder.

Tigris caught up to him first, grabbing him by the shoulder. "She's over there, idiot!" Tigris huffed, "I'm starting to think we need to put you on a leash."

"Well, I've got the herbs. Let's get the horses and get out of here." Roche said, trying to keep her nervousness out of her voice. Tigris nodded, looking around.

"Sure, which way is..." the princess' voice trailed off as she glanced down the alley, her eyes catching on the huddle of cloaked figures.

"Tigris?" Finn asked into the ensuing silence. "What's wrong?"

One by one, the cloaked figures turned, their shoulders stiff.

"Tigris?" the shopkeeper asked nervously, "As in... Princess Tigris?"

Tigris narrowed her eyes. "What's in those vials?"

"Nothing! Just some oils." the vendor lied smoothly as his customers began edging away, vials hidden in their sleeves. Tigris' eyes narrowed. She and Aodh stalked forward like one prowling beast. Roche clutched Finn's arm.

"Roche," the prince spoke softly, but his voice still echoed around the silent alley. "What is it?"

Roche saw the moment the princess realised what was in those glass vials. She reared back, her teeth bared with disgust.

"Put on your glasses, Finn." Tigris seethed, tugging her sword out of her scabbard with a metallic screech. "We've found some inkbloods."

A/N: 😯 What do you think Tigris is going to do?

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