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THE ENTIRE GROUP WAS at the rink that Cole had rented out for them for two hours after using the excuse that he was a hockey player. Penelope stepped up to the railings, her eyes scanning her friends to see where they were before she frowned, realizing everyone teamed up with one another and already carrying out conversations that she would feel guilty interrupting.

That was until she noticed Luke making her way over to her, abandoning his conversation with Cole and Angie. "You okay, Penny?" He asked as he skated to where the girl was, still not on the ice but instead holding onto the railing.

"Yeah, just scared. Haven't skated in awhile." She chuckled while glancing down to her bright purple skates that she had brought. Luke smiled down at her, recognizing the UMich hoodie she had been wearing to be one of his, having his last name and number on the back.

"I'll help you." He said while holding his hands out, having fingerless gloves on his hands to help him a little bit. Penelope hesitated momentarily before she nodded, grabbing ahold of his hands that were much more warmer than hers.

Luke helped guide the girl onto the ice, glancing behind him as he began to skate backwards at a slow pace. "You got it, Penny?" He asked while looking back to the girl who kept her eyes on the ice beneath her.

"I feel like I'm in that one Teen Wolf episode," she stated as she tried to keep her balance, chuckling slightly as she looked up to the taller boy. "I'm Scott, you're Allison." She stated afterwards, allowing a smile to break out on her face.

"I'm fine with that." He shrugged while grinning knowing that Teen Wolf had been one of her favorite shows. He kept his eyes on her as she slowly began to release her right grip on his hands before raising them slightly as she began to skate by herself.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it again!" She said as she began to skate, not at a super quick pace but it was good enough for her. She glanced back to Luke who watched her with a smile on his face, she opened her mouth to speak but was cut off whenever she felt arms around her.

She let out a small shriek, quickly followed by a groan whenever she collided with the ice, her eyes shut due to the impact. "Whoops." The person had said, the voice instantly being recognized as Trevor Zegras. She groaned as she opened her eyes and looked at the boy who began to push himself up off the ice.

"I steal a joint for us and you tackle me?" She questioned as she looked up at him, eyebrows furrowing as she made no attempts to stand up on her own, knowing that she would fail instantly.

"My bad!" Trevor exclaimed as he reached a hand out to her before pulling her up. "Have fun with your future boyfriend." He said while winking, beginning to skate away and towards Jamie who was doing not-so-professional spins with Jack. Penelope hit his back at his words just as Luke skated up.

"You okay?" He asked as he approached her, reaching for her hands again as they slowly glided to the boards to get out of everyone's way.

"Yeah, Trevor weighs like a hundred and thirty pounds. I'm amazing." She said while brushing off her back while listening to Luke laugh as they began to skate around the rink just like how everyone else was.

"Guys, we should play games!" Cole shouted from where he skated around, circling around Alex before spinning to face almost everyone.

"Like what?" Trevor asked as he slowed down alongside Jamie, his eyebrows furrowing.

That's how they ended up with a few hockey sticks and a puck that the employees allowed them to borrow for their time on the ice. "Team captains?" Angie asked as she moved forward, eyebrows furrowing while she adjusted her jacket that actually belonged to Quinn.

THIS LOVE | luke hughesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora