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"Rachel you came sixth, for locked-in season three. And you must now leave the house. Please say your goodbyes."

"Bye, guys, group hug." Rachel stands up, opening her arms and moving to the side as Holly crashes into her side. "The softest in the house," Grace says, standing up. "I actually was the shortest in the house as well." Rachel nods, as everyone stands above her. "I mean, at least you can see your twin again." Holly smiles as they walk into the bedroom. "I have missed her like crazy." Rachel nods.

"There we go." Chip says as Billy opens the door for Rachel to walk out. "Rachel Bada." Grace nods. "See you later guys, bye." The woman waves bye to everyone as she steps outside. "Love you, Rach." Holly blows her a kiss. "Love you too, Holl's." The woman blows a kiss back.

"Ilyas, it's time to leave, the locked-in house. Please say your final goodbyes."

"Oh my god, hug me. I'm gonna cry." Ilyas stands up. "Don't cry," Billy tells him, as everyone group hugs. "I love everyone who was in this house." Ilyas smiles, breaking away from the housemates. "Smile," Ilyas tells Billy and Chip as the girls move away and Destini takes a picture of the three.

"You must now, leave the locked-in house."

"Ily, ily, Ilyas." Billy and Holly chant as the man walks up the stairs. "I might need about her bag, but we're going to firm it," Ilyas says as he collects his stuff from his bed. "I'm not going to miss your farts, save them for when you're with Niko, Anna and Chunkz." Holly laughs, wrapping her arm around Ilyas as they walk out of the bedroom. "Trust me, I will." He nods.

"Everyone group hug, I'm not good with goodbyes, I'm not good with goodbyes." Ilyas sighs as the housemates walk to the front door. "It's okay." Chip reassures him when everyone gets into a hug. "Billy the doorman." Ilyas nods when the twenty-year-old opens the door. "I miss you already, come back, come back," Billy says watching Ilyas walk down the pathway.

"Destini, you have come fourth in the locked-in, season three, congratulations. It is now time to leave the locked-in house."

"I'll take that." Destini nods. "Time to go back down to south, I'm sorry for you." Billy stands up and hugs the girl as everyone walks to the bedroom. "See ya, Destini." Holly smiles awkwardly, swinging back and forth on her feet. "Yeah, see ya." She nods in the brunette's direction.

"I really do love you guys," Billy tells, Chip, Holly and Grace as the four of them sit on the sofa. "We don't love you, so." Grace sarcastically says. "Not the one last sip of Pepsi." Grace looks at Chip as he finishes his drink. "I'm going home with a sugar addiction." Chip leans back. "I thought you were going to say something else." Holly laughs.

"It doesn't feel real." Destini hugs Billy as she has all of her bags together. "Okay, let's go." She smiles, walking out of the bedroom, with Chip holding two of her bags. "Bring it in, bring it in, bring it in, bring it in." Destini opens her arms. "You too, Holly." She waves the brunette in when she sees her standing at the side. "I'm good." Holly holds her hand out. "I don't care." Destini smiles, pulling the girl into the hug.

"Oh, my god," Grace says. "Goodbye, my lover." Billy sings. "This is the end," Chip tells Destini. "This is the end." The girl repeated. "It has been a pleasure!" Grace shouts as everyone steps back. "It has been amazing." Destini smiles, as Chip and Holly pick one of her bags up. "Lovely to meet you all," Destini says, taking her bag of Chip.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora