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Harry's POV:

"Get the door Charli!" I shout as I hear the door knock. "I can't, I'm in the shower!" I hear her shout back. "That's a surprise ya stinky bitch." I laugh to myself, getting out of my bed. "I heard that you prick!" I hear her shout.

"I love you really." I smile, opening the bathroom door. "I love you, now go and get the bloody door." She waves me away. "Alright, calm down, I'm coming!" I shout, when the door knocks again.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Niko as I open the door. "Holly wanted me to give this to you." He pulls out a folded piece of paper. "What's this?" I question, taking it off him. "I honestly don't have a clue. She said it's for your eyes and your eyes only. Not even Charli's allowed to look at it." He tells me.

"This best be serious, serious then." I look up at him. "That's what I said." He laughs. "Anyway, I need to go, Anna's waiting for me. Lovely seeing you, bro." He gives me a handshake. "Yeah, see you, man." I nod, shutting my door.

"Who was it?" I look up to see Charli at the top of the stairs with a towel around her. "Oh, it was just Niko. He dropped off a note, it's from Holly." I inform her. "What does it say?" She asks. "You're not allowed to know apparently. Holl's said it's for my eyes and my eyes only." I point to myself.

"That's gotta be serious, serious then." She itches her head. "Yeah, go get changed, I'll order us some pizza." I tell her. "Alright then." She nods, walking off.

"What the fuck is this then." I open up the paper, sitting down at the counter. "Is she fucking kidding, code red? Am I supposed to know what that means?" I scoff, wiping my face. "Shit, a code red." I jump up, remembering what it means.

Third person POV:

"Turn this shit off, for fucks sake!" Holly shouts as the chicken sound starts blaring throughout the bedroom. "It's the chicken." Chip yawns. "It needs to shut the fuck up." The brunette scoffs, hiding under her duvet.

"Ahh, these fucking pagans." Chip wines. "Man, I clocked it. The lights give me a semi." Chip nods. "What the fuck?" Max asks. "And all this time, I thought it was me." Holly shakes her head, sitting up.

"You are partly the reason as well." Chip looks at her. "Too much information guys, TMI." Kate shakes her head. "Is Ilyas awake?" Chip wonders. "Yeah." Liv tells her.

"I wanna get all the taste you know." Chip tells Max, as he eats breakfast. "I feel you, man." Max nods. "I swear Josh, if you get any bean juice on that duvet cover, your going to be in the bathroom scrubbing that out." Holly smiles sweetly at him.

"Now this is my problem with you." Chip turns to look at her. "What is it?" She asks. "You always tell me to keep everything tidy, and you can't even do that." He points at his girlfriend, making her lean back and gasp.

"I'm a very tidy person..." She trails off. "At home." She nods when Chip gives her a look. "Exactly, we're not at home, darling, so I don't have to keep it clean." He smiles smugly, shoving a mouthful of food into his mouth.

"Bruv, four more days to go." Max turns to look at the couple. "You are a fucking gem." Max tells Liv when she walks into the bedroom with a plate of food. "You are an amazing human being, thank you so much." Max smiles, taking the plate.

"Are you sure you don't want any?" Liv stops at the end of Holly's bed. "I'm one hundred and one per cent sure." Holly tells her. "You always eat breakfast though." Chip tells her. "I know, I'm just not hungry." She shrugs.

"Weird." Liv says, before walking out. "It is weird." Chip and Max agree. "Hush, go back to eating your food." Holly waves the boys off.

"Oh my god, Billy you look stunning." Kate says, when Billy walks up the stairs, in a pink Nike tracksuit. "Why does that sound sarcastic." Billy says. "Does he actually?" Chip asks, walking down the hallway.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now