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"Ahhh, that's so cute." Holly says as she rushes to the scorpion on the table, ignoring the tarantula next to it. "Look next to you." Liv tells her. "Wh... Fuck me!" Holly yells, running out of the room. "I'm not coming back in." She shakes her head.

"You don't understand how much I actually hate spiders." Chip shakes his head after Kate laughs at him. "I do, you scream like a little girl when you see one." Holly laughs. "Like you can say much, so shush." Chip points at the girl next to him.

"You know what, we're actually having a scrap." Holly scoffs as she looks ahead. "Baiting me out, who do you think you are?" She whispers leaning toward Chip. "I think I'm your best friend." He nods. "You wish." She laughs.

"You also ran out of the room, when you saw the tarantula." Chip turns to look at her. "You are also standing in the corner." He laughs. "Shut up, it's a phobia you know that." She scoffs, leaning on the wall.

"Welcome to trick or treat. In teams, you will nominate one Person each round to answer an A or B question. Once you have made your choice, you must put your hand into your selected mystery box." Rachel starts to read.

"Find a green star and you will receive one point for your team for the correct answer. Find a black star and you will gain no points at all. But beware! The stars may not be the only things in the box..." Rachel finishes reading.

"How many clubs played in the first premier league?" Harry reads out his question. "It's twenty-two." Ilyas and Holly whisper the answer to their group, high-fiving each other.

"I literally don't watch football. A twenty-two or B, eighteen. How many clubs? I'm gonna go with B, eighteen that's locked in." Harry answers as he walks over to the boxes on the table. "Blindfold on." Holly tells him.

"Go." Max and Rachel tell him. "Ahhh." The man shouts pulling his arm away from the box. "Don't think about it." Billy says. "It's a lot harder than it seems, Bill." Holly looks at the freestyler. "Oh well." He shrugs.

"Slip in there, feel it as well, try and grab the thing that's in there." Ilyas nods his head. "There might even not be anything in there." Ilyas says as Harry rips his hand out of the box, and screams. "Nah, What the fuck is that?" Harry asks as he touches the thing inside the box.

"Ha, he's dropped it. It won't mean anything anyways, he got it wrong." Holly shrugs. "You're the leader of the group." Billy tells Harry. "I've dropped it." Harry scoffs.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Times up."

"It was tuna. I smell it." Harry pulls his hand out of the box. "Eww." Holly covers her mouth when the smell wafts towards her. "Move over here." Chip grabs the girl's shoulders, and moves her to the corner.

"What are you doing?" Destini asks. "If you don't want her to be sick on you, then I suggest you stay far away from her until the smell Is gone." Chip turns around and tells them.

"Josh I can still smell it." Holly tells him. "Here." He takes off his jacket and passes it to her. "Smell that." He shrugs. "Thanks." She nods her head, bringing it up to her nose. "It's just tuna." Kate shrugs. "Not to her, she's sick at the smell of any fish." Chip shakes his head.

"I had it in my hand." Harry tells the blue group, taking his blindfold off. "Who has more studio Albums? Beyoncé or Jay-Z?" Liv reads. "I don't know, I know nothing about music. Literally the worst question." Liv covers her mouth.

"Are we allowed to help?" Holly asks. "No your not." Chip shakes his head. "Shame, I know the answer." Holly shrugs. "Okay, I'm gonna for A, Jay-Z. Locked in." Liv announces, making Holly smile.

"She got it right didn't she?" Chip leans in towards his girlfriend when he sees her smile. "Mhm." She nods.

"Go and get up there girl." Holly points to the table. "I'm going." Liv walks closer. "Oh my god, right." Liv says as she puts her hand in the box. "Remember to breathe, Liv." Holly reminds her.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora