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"You stupid chicken." Chip looks up at the camera, as the sound starts playing. "Shut the fucking chicken up man!" Holly shouts, covering her ears.

"I know they're just pressing the button over and over." Chip looks at his girlfriend. "Yeah, well they better stop, before I bust down their door and burn the shitty button." Holly scoffs.

"Wait, did you just make it stop?" Chip asks hopefully. "Nooo." He throws the pillow over his head when the chicken alarm goes off again.

"Do you remember when everyone woke up because of Liv moaning?" Chip asks Ilyas. "Yeah, was that her?" He asks. "Yeah." Chip nods. "What, the uhh?" Ilyas moans. "I need to bleach my eardrums." Holly shakes her head.

"Yeah." Chip tells him. "Yeah, it was like, everyone woke up and was like, what the fuck?" Ilyas explains. "Yeah, all five of you just go." Chip sits up on his bed. "Yeah, why did she do that?" Ilyas wonders.

"I don't know, bro." Chip laughs. "You sure it was her?" Ilyas double-checks. "Yes." Chip nods firmly. "I'm gonna ask her." Ilyas itches his leg. "I hope she was dreaming about me." Holly sighs. "You know who was dreaming about you?" Ilyas turns to the girl.

"Max?" Holly shrugs. "Yeah, and someone else." Ilyas does a little shimmy. "Dunno tell me?" Holly yawns. "This man right here." Ilyas points at Chip before he lies on his bed.

"Oh, really?" Holly turns to look at her boyfriend. "Guilty, it was a nice dream." Chip nods, looking at the ceiling. "Mans thinking about the dream." Ilyas laughs. "It must've been a good dream." Holly brushes her hair.

"It was, it started with us making out, then ended when we were hot and sweaty in bed." Chip sighs. "You disgust me, Josh." Holly jokes, hitting his arm playfully.

"Liv I have a question for you." Ilyas tells the freestyler when she walks out of the storeroom. "Yeah?" She walks into the room. "Would you like to take a seat somewhere?" Ilyas points to a random bed. "This is big." Chip says, making Max's bed neat.

"That's what she said." Holly laughs. "Shush." Ilyas turns to her. "Fuck off man." Holly holds her middle finger up to him. "Rumours have it, it was you that moaned last night." Ilyas tells her, messing around with a hair grip.

"You hit us with a triple moan. We're a bit suspicious that you might have been having a certain dream." Chip smiles when Liv bursts out laughing. "Preferably about me." Holly points to herself, as she lies on Chip's chest.

"No, no, no, right okay so this is the thing, right? When I'm tired, and I wake up in the morning I make weird noises." Liv informs the three. "I bet you do." Holly shakes her head, as the boys hum.

"I swear I wasn't dreaming." Liv laughs. "Well, there go my fantasies." Holly jokingly rolls her eyes. "Are you sure?" Ilyas questions. "I'm sure." Liv tells him. "Because all four of us on this side of the room were all asleep. And we all got up." Ilyas explains.

"I heard everyone jump up and I was like oh shit it was me." Liv itches her head. "You didn't wake up either." Chip shakes his head. "I did, I did because I laughed. I smiles to myself and thought oh shut that was loud." Live wheezes.

"Are you sure you wasn't having a certain dream?" Ilyas continues to investigate. "No, literally so you know when you wake up and you're like eehhh." Liv leans back and stretches.

"No, not really." Chip let's put a little laugh. "Didn't sound like that." Ilyas shakes his head. "Yeah, it did not sound like that." Chip agrees. "I heard a uhh, and I was like Woah. Who's having sex." Ilyas shrugs.

"Yeah, it was more like a uhh, uhh." Chip mimics a moan, leaning closer to Holly's ear. "Oh my god, don't because I'm gonna get dead embarrassed." Liv covers her face. "Stop moaning in my ear you weirdo." Holly pushed Chip's face away, snuggling up close to him.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu