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"Nah girls, you missing anyone?" Holly asks her two partners, as everyone else talks to each other. "I mean, I miss my boyfriend that's pretty much it." Liv laughs. "Probably my mum." Kate nods.

"What about you, who are you missing?" Liv asks. "My brother. And my dog." She tells them. "You and your brother are close, aren't you?" Liv wonders. "Yeah, we're two peas in a pod, have been since he was out of the womb." Holly smiles.

"What kind of dog do you have?" Liv questions. "A labrador retriever." Holly answers. "Aww, what's its name?" Kate then asks. "Her name is, Ginny." the brunette itches her head.

"Whys that?" Holly's two partners ask. "Erm, after my favourite drink." she lets out a little laugh. "Gin?" Liv leans forward. "Yep." Holly nods.

"What about your boyfriend." Kate turns to the girl. "Oh, all I miss is sharing a bed with him, he keeps me warm at night. I was freezing my tits off last night, we're any of you?" She explains.

"Nah, because I was cold as well, I was shivering under my sheets." Liv nods. "I wasn't tha..." Kate gets cut off by the ting of the green light.

"In pairs, you'll each play the buzz-wire game. One of you will be guiding the wand, the other will be hooked up to an electric shock machine. Nooooo. Each time the wand touches the wire, it will buzz and give your partner an electric shock. You must then restart from the beginning. The pair who compleat the game in the quickest time will be un-cuffed and win one point." Chip explains the aim of the challenge.

"Housemates, Chip and Billy are to go first."

"Good luck boys." Holly holds her thumbs up as the pair walks to the game. "That's too slow bro, what are you doing? Come on move." Chip says as Billy holds the wand.

"Ahhhh, Billy!" Chip shouts as the freestyler hits the wire. "Bro stop moving!" Billy tells Chip. "I'm not moving." He laughs as Billy goes back to the start.

"Oh yeah." Billy nods as he gets an inch further than last time. "Yeah, yeah." Chip encourages Billy to go further, but it ends up with Billy hitting the wire again.

"Bro stop moving!" Billy shouts. "I'm not moving." Chip tells him making everyone laugh. "Ahhhh, Ahhhh." Chip moves around as the wand stays on the wire. "Stop shouting." Billy looks at the wand in his hand.

"No guys he's killing me!" Chip shouts as Billy talks to him. "I'll do it again." Billy goes back to the start. "Stop shouting!" Billy looks at the man. "I'm getting shocked, bro." Chip wheezes out, holding onto his stomach.

"Don't do that to him!" Destini shouts as Billy hits the wire on purpose. "Nah do it again!" Holly shouts, Billy gives the girl a sly smile and hits the wand in the wire, making Chip scream again.

"Now try and think what women go through, during childbirth." Holly laughs, as she walks past the boys to the challenge. "I feel sorry for those women." Chip mutters.

"Three, two, one."

"I'm so sorry." Liv says to Holly and Kate before she even lifts the wand. "You got this." Kate encourages her. "Just don't hit the me... tal!" Holly shouts as she gets electrically shocked. "Liv!" Kate shouts touching her stomach. "Holy fuckerdoodle!" Holly doubles over in pain.

"I'm so sorry." Liv apologises to the girls that are on the floor. "Right come on." Liv breathes as she starts again. "I'm actually dying." Kate takes a deep breath. "I'm so sorry." Liv apologises again.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat