Second Chance at First Line: Olivia

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Olivia climbed the bleachers to watch lacrosse practice. Bri had just dropped her off on her way to the diner. Stiles had called this morning, and told her he had to pick up Scott from the preserve. Apparently, he'd woken up there the past two mornings. He had a run in with the alpha who bit him, and Bri suspected the alpha was calling him there.

"That's how you do it, Jackson! That's how you do it!" The coach yelled. Olivia focused on Jackson. He was the kid Scott had said was harassing him. He had cornered Scott in the hallway, and asked what drugs he was taking. He was captain of the lacrosse team, Lydia Martin's boyfriend, and apparently unable to accept that anyone could be better than him.

Down on the field, Scott let himself be tackled by Jackson, and Olivia could see Jackson's smirk all the way from the bleachers. Coach Finnstock started yelling, and Scott doubled over, he was losing control. She sat up straighter, and scanned the sideline for Stiles. He had his hands on his hips, and he too was watching Scott struggle. The boys lined up on the field, and it was clear Scott was livid. He charged at Jackson and knocked him down. He landed hard, and cried out in pain.

Everyone except Stiles crowded around him, and Olivia raced down the bleachers, and across the field. It was even worse than she anticipated. Scott's claws were out, and he struggled to keep his eyes from turning beta gold. "I can't control it," Scott groaned. "It's happening." He was panicked. Olivia, and Stiles worked together to pull him back off the ground. They led him into the boy's locker room, and Scott fell to his knees in front of the sinks.

Stiles moved to kneel in front of him, but Olivia pulled him back. "Scott, are you okay?" she asked. Scott looked up at them, and his face was fully shifted. "Get away from me!" He roared. Stiles and Olivia scrambled back. Stiles fell backwards, and Olivia slid her arms under his and pulled him to his feet. They hurried behind a row of lockers, but Scott leaped on top of them, and peered down at them.

They ran to the next row of lockers, and Scott jumped down in front of them. His eyes were completely void of emotion as he growled, sharp white fangs on full display. "He's going to kill us," Olivia whispered, too afraid to be self-conscious about the way her voice cracked when she said it.

"No, he's not." Stiles said. In one swift motion he grabbed the fire-extinguisher off the wall, and hit Scott over the head. Dazed, Scott fell back. Stiles engaged the handle, and sprayed the extinguisher at Scott. He didn't stop until Scott sat back on one of the benches.

"Stiles?" Scott asked. He looked down at the extinguisher in Stiles hand, and the way Olivia had shrank back behind him. His face contorted with confusion. "What happened?"

Stiles dropped the fire extinguisher to the ground with a clatter, and ripped his lacrosse gloves off. "You tried to kill us. It's like we told you before. It's the anger, and when your pulse rises. It triggers the shift."

Scott huffed out a laugh. "But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you haven't noticed."

"This isn't funny, Scott." Stiles said. His voice was serious, and Scott grimaced. "You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game.

Scott protested. "Stiles, I'm first line!"

"Not anymore," Stiles retorted. He turned to Olivia who was staring wide-eyed between the two boys, his voice softened. "I have to change," he said.

She turned around to give him some privacy, and came face to face with Scott. "Sorry I scared you," he said.

"Just don't let it happen again," she shrugged. She still felt off balance, though. She had seen first hand what it looked like when an angry werewolf attacked, and just minutes ago she had been convinced he was going to kill her.

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