Wolf Moon Part Four: Brianna

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Liv: are you home?

Bri: yeah, what's up?

Liv: um

Liv: so

Bri: Liv, what is it?

Liv: Scott's a werewolf but he doesn't know

Liv: he was bitten last night in the woods

Bri: What?!

Liv: I'm bringing Stiles home with me

Liv: I need your help telling him

Bri: Wait, why are we telling Stiles, and not Scott?

Liv: Scott's at work and Stiles knows about the bite

Brianna paced across the living room, waiting for Olivia to get home with Stiles. She had no idea what they were going to say to him. She didn't know him that well, and had mostly talked to him in passing. From what she'd seen of him, he was energetic and easily excitable. His reaction could go either way.

She heard the sound of a key in the lock, and he and Olivia walked in. "Hey," she said. She smiled, and hoped her voice sounded normal.

"Hey," Olivia said. "Is the pizza here?"

Bri shook her head, "not yet. How was your first day of school?"

"It was fine." Olivia shuffled awkwardly, "lacrosse practice was kind of interesting though. Right, Stiles?"

Stiles, who looked like he suspected something was up, nodded. "Yeah, Scott played, like, really well. Maybe... too well?"

"Definitely too well." Olivia said. Stiles looked at her, and raised an eyebrow. Bri was saved from furthering the terribly forced conversation when the pizza delivery person knocked on the door. "I'll get it," Olivia offered.

Bri headed into the kitchen and set the table with three plates, and three cups. When they all had a drink, and a slice of pizza, Olivia kicked Bri under the table. Bri raised her eyebrows at her, and tilted her head towards Stiles. Olivia shook her head, and widened her eyes, nodding towards Bri. "Okay, what's going on?" Stiles asked. "I feel like I'm missing something here."

"Liv told me about Scott's bite," Bri said. "She also told me about... the side effects."

"Okay," Stiles said, drawing out the word.

"Scott's a werewolf," Olivia blurted out. Bri, and Stiles both looked at her, and she winced. "Sorry, I've been waiting to say that all day."

"You literally had so many opportunities," Stiles said, exasperated. "Like, so many."

"That's you're take away?" Olivia asked. "My missed opportunities?"

"I don't know!" He ran a hand over his head, "how would you prefer me to react?"

Bri leaned forward. "Do you have any questions?"

"Are you werewolves?" He asked.

"We're witches." Olivia said.

He blinked, "prove it."

Bri stood up, and went to retrieve a potted plant from the living room. She carried it back in, and set it in front of Stiles. She wrapped her hands around the pot, and a warm glow started in the center. It made its way outwards, and the plant started to grow. Leaves sprouted, and pink flowers bloomed along the stems.

"Whoa," Stiles said. "Holy shit." To Bri's relief, he didn't look scared. He looked more excited than anything. He turned to Olivia, "what can you do?"

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