Wolf Moon Part Two: Brianna

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Getting out of bed was Brianna's least favorite part of each day. If she stayed in bed she could pretend like nothing had changed. She could pretend like she hadn't uprooted her entire life. She could pretend like she hadn't been forced to leave the only home she'd ever known in order to flee her abusive boyfriend, and keep her sister safe. She could pretend like she didn't live in constant fear, always wondering if Elliot was going to show up, and kill her or Olivia. At her most desperate, she could even pretend that she was eighteen again, and that her parents had never died. She could pretend that she hadn't been a grieving teenager, suddenly in charge of raising a pre-teen.

Once she got out of bed, she couldn't pretend anymore. Once she got out of bed she would have to face her responsibilities. She would have to make sure Olivia got ready for school, and ate breakfast. She would have to make sure she was feeling okay about going to school. And because teenagers were terrible decision makers above all else, she would have to make sure Olivia didn't have any after school plans to go searching for dead bodies. Since that was apparently a thing she had done last night.

Her alarm went off for the third time, and she reluctantly sat up and turned it off. If she didn't get out of bed now, she wouldn't have time to make breakfast. She took a quick shower, put some product in her hair, and dried it as best as she could. She hadn't done laundry in a week, so she had to pull a pair of jeans out of her dirty clothes basket. She threw on a boxy pink sweater, and put her nearly dry hair in bun.

She stopped at Olivia's bedroom, and knocked on the door. "Liv, you up?" she called.

"Unfortunately!" Olivia yelled back. Bri smiled and shook her head. If there was one thing she could always count on, it was Olivia's complete anti-zest for life. She continued downstairs, and started on breakfast. The avocados she bought a week ago were finally ripe, so she decided to make toast for both of them.

Olivia came downstairs as she was finishing up, and sat down at the kitchen table. She looked more surly than normal, and Bri frowned. "Not looking forward to school?" she asked.

Olivia shrugged, "not particularly."

"Well, if you hate it, we can look into online school." Bri offered. "But Scott, and Stiles will be there. So maybe it won't be so bad?"

"Says the former prom queen."

Bri slid a plate of avocado toast in front of Olivia, and sat down across from her with her own. "Look, I know you're not a people person. I'm not asking you to love school, or try out for the cheer squad. I just need you to give it a chance, okay?"

"I know." Olivia replied, mouth full of toast. "It's fine. I'll try it."

"Thanks," Bri said. "And one more thing? Please, please, please don't go looking for anymore dead bodies in the woods."

Olivia looked down at her plate, and poked at a stray bit of tomato. "I'm sorry," she said. "I know it wasn't safe. I just... I don't know. Got caught up, I guess. It won't happen again. Promise." There was a knock at the door, and she jumped up from the table. "Can you get that? It's Stiles. I'm gonna go brush my teeth real quick."

Bri pushed her mostly uneaten toast aside, and went to answer the door. "Hey Brianna," Stiles said. "How's it goin?"

"Hey Stiles," she said with a smile. She crossed her arms and leaned one hip against the door frame. "I heard you took my sister to see a dead body last night."

Stiles laughed nervously, and fiddled with his car keys. "Heh, yeah. I guess I did do that."

"Can you maybe, not do that again?" she asked. She liked Stiles, she really did. He seemed like a genuinely good kid. But, she wasn't above making him sweat a little when it came to Olivia's safety.

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