Wolf Moon Part Three: Olivia

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The Beacon Hills High parking lot was filled with teenagers who looked like they'd just walked out of a vintage department store ad. Olivia felt like every new person she saw was more stylish than the last. She looked down at her baggy jeans, and oversized t-shirt. Everyone here was so glamorous, and she was just... plain. "Ready?" Stiles asked. He turned off his jeep, and watched as she silently freaked out in his passenger seat. "It'll be fine," he said. "I promise. Or it could go terribly wrong. There's really no way to tell."

Olivia glared at him, "Wow, that was so comforting. Thanks."

"You're welcome," Stiles said. He reached across her lap, and pushed the passenger door open. "Now put on your big girl pants, and get out of my car."

"I hate you," she grumbled.

He smirked, "If you hated me, you wouldn't be sitting in my car right now."

She hopped out of the jeep, and slammed the door. "That doesn't even make any sense!" She called after him.

They found Scott at the bike rack, and Stiles rushed over to him. "Okay, let's see this thing."

"What thing?" Olivia asked, confused.

Scott lifted his shirt and revealed a large bandage with dark red blood seeping through. "Whoa!" Stiles exclaimed.

"What is that?" Olivia asked.

She took a step closer, and Scott let his shirt fall back down. "Something bit me last night." Olivia's eyes widened, and Scott continued. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

Oh no.

Stiles scoffed, "a wolf bit you?"

"Uh-huh," Scott said. Olivia wasn't sure what to do. If Scott thought it was a wolf that bit him, that could mean--

Stiles shook his head. "No. Not a chance."

"I heard a wolf howling," Scott said. He sounded frustrated, and Olivia didn't blame him.

"No, you didn't." Stiles said. He was so confident that Olivia wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe him because the alternative explanation was that there was a rogue alpha werewolf in Beacon Hills, and Scott had been bitten without his consent.

Scott grunted, his frustration rising. "What do you mean 'no I didn't'? How do you know what I heard?"

"Because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, sixty years." That may have been technically true, but those statistics didn't account for werewolves.

"Well," Scott said. "If you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me when I tell you I found the body."

Stiles bounced on his toes, "You— are you kidding me?"

Scott shook his head, a grimace on his face. "No man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month."

Olivia tried to keep track of their conversation, but she was still caught up on the fact that Scott might actually be a werewolf. Most of the wolves she had known were born wolves, and the ones who weren't had all known about the supernatural long before consenting to the bite. How were you supposed to tell someone they might start growing fangs if the didn't even know it was a possibility?

"I mean," Stiles was saying. "this is seriously gonna be the best thing that happened to this town since—"
He trailed off, his mouth going a bit slack. His eyes lit up, and Olivia turned to see a girl with red hair, pristine pale skin, forest green eyes, and perfectly pouty lips. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look—" Stiles cut himself off with an exasperated sigh when she kept walking without acknowledging him.

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