New Beginnings

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According to the alarm clock on the nightstand, it was 8:47am. The motel room was still dark, heavy curtains were drawn across the windows, and only a small sliver of light was visible under each panel.

Next to Bri, her little sister was still asleep. Olivia would be sixteen in two months, but right now, she looked so young that it made Bri's heart ache. It had been so long since either of them had felt safe, and she hoped that they could find comfort in Beacon Hills.

Careful not to disturb Olivia, Bri stood up and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. They had left their home in New Mexico with only what they could fit in one backpack, and one purse each. They had a sizeable inheritance from the death of their parents four years ago, but she was hesitant to start spending too much of it until she secured a job. They needed a house, furniture, all new wardrobes, and countless other items, and they needed them quickly.

Once she finished changing, and washing up, she headed back out to the main room. She pulled back one of the heavy curtains, and let the morning light spill in. "No," Olivia groaned, "turn it off." She covered her eyes with one arm, and tossed a pillow in Bri's general direction with the other. "Need more sleep."

Bri chuckled. "You've been sleeping for the past eight hours, we gotta get going." She sat down on the edge of the bed, and tugged Olivia's arm away from her face. She glared, and Bri grinned. "If you hurry, I bet we can find a diner that's still serving breakfast. I think I saw a few on our way in last night. We can get pancakes."

Olivia sat up, and sighed. "Ugh, fine. But you're going to buy me so many pancakes."

"So many." Bri agreed.

It didn't take Olivia long to get ready, and soon they left the motel room. They didn't have a car, or a phone, so getting around was going to be a bit of an issue. Thankfully, the motel seemed to be in the middle of town, and there were a lot of businesses within walking distance. "Pancakes first?" Bri asked.

"If I don't get pancakes, I don't even want to be here," Olivia deadpanned.

They only had to walk three blocks before they found an acceptable diner. It was a small brick building situated between a used book store, and a card shop. Faded letters on the window spelled out 'Marie's Place' and a sign on the door advertised that they were hiring. A bell above the door chimed when they entered, and a woman with unruly salt and pepper curls told them to take a seat.

Marie's Place was clean for a diner. The seats weren't sticky, and the tabletops were spotless. Their shoes didn't stick to the floor as they walked, and there weren't any flies buzzing in the windows. There wasn't a lingering scent of cigarette smoke from a time before smoking indoors was prohibited, and the water glasses the server sat in front of them were sparkling. "Good morning," the curly haired woman said with a smile. Her name tag said 'Marie' and Bri wondered if she was the Marie. "I haven't seen you girls here before, just passing through?"

"Oh, no." Bri replied. "We actually just moved here."

"Ah, I see." She slid a menu in front of each of them, and waved a hand over the table. A small section of herbal teas appeared in the bottom right corner next to the appetizers, and Bri blinked in surprise. Olivia's head snapped up, and Marie smiled knowingly. "In that case, let me be the first to welcome you to Beacon Hills. I think you'll find that many things here are not quite what they seem."  

"You're a witch." Olivia said.

Marie nodded once, "I am. And so are you."

"You could... sense that?" Olivia asked. Bri was mildly surprised to see her so interested in something before breakfast.

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