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Olivia held tightly to her sister's hand. Of their whole plan, this was the part she was most afraid would go wrong. They had worked hard on the spell that would stabilize their heartbeats, and Brianna had learned to obscure her scent long ago. When they left, all they had to do was get in Bri's car, and drive off. The tank was full. They had more than enough gas to drive straight to the airport.

When they got to the door of Elliott's office, Olivia squeezed Bri's hand once, and let go. They looked at each other, and Olivia knew this was the moment. The moment it could all go wrong. Then she saw the resolve in her sister's eyes, and relief washed over her. They were going to do this.

Bri straightened up, and pushed the door open, "Hey babe," she said. Olivia hated the way Elliot looked at Bri, and even before all this, had wanted better for her. He smirked and grasped Bri's wrist, pulling her roughly towards him. Olivia looked away as they kissed, and didn't look back until she heard her sister's voice again. "I'm taking Liv to get her nails done for the banquet tomorrow." It was a charity banquet for a school, one they had no real intention of attending. "Hers are a disaster."

Olivia rolled her eyes, playing her part. "They're fine," she groaned. She held up a hand and wiggled her fingers, showing off her chipped black nail polish.

Elliot wrinkled his nose in distaste. He was the type of person who liked order, and cared about presentation. Olivia was not that type of person, and he often regarded her with distaste. "Okay," he said. "Be back by 5:00pm." He always tried to control their schedules, especially Bri's. He always tried to control her.

"Of course," Bri replied, smiling sweetly. Olivia was impressed. This was going so much better than she had expected. She was almost certain that Elliot didn't suspect a thing. Bri kissed Elliot goodbye, and Olivia wondered when he would realize that it would be the last time.

They left the office, and made their way downstairs. Olivia wanted to run, but she forced herself to walk at a normal pace. Bri was holding her hand again, gripping her fingers like a lifeline.

They grabbed their bags, and slipped their shoes on at the front door. "Ready?" Olivia asked.

There were unshed tears shining in Bri's eyes. "Yeah," she nodded, "let's go."

It didn't feel real. The further they got from the house, the deeper her panic set in. They were really doing this. They were leaving.

Bri was crying as she drove, silent tears streaming down her face. Olivia kept expecting Elliot, or other members from their pack to show up and stop them. When nobody stopped the car, she was sure they would show up at the airport.

They bought two tickets for the flight that was leaving soonest, and ended up in Indiana. Nobody stopped them there, either. From Indiana they flew to California, and from the airport they boarded a bus to Beacon Hills.

It wasn't until they stepped off the bus that Olivia finally started to relax. The minute her feet touched the ground, she could feel the power of their foremothers surge through her. Next to her, Bri was crying again. She wiped her tears, and looked at Olivia. "We're going to be okay," she said. "We're going to be okay."

AN: Hi! First, if you're reading this, thank you so much. I've started this fic a few times, but none of them felt right until now. This part is more of an introduction than an actual chapter, the next chapter will be much longer.

This will be a multi POV story, and will switch between Olivia, and Brianna.

Also, I want to make it clear up front, that this fic will contain no smut. Any sex that takes place will be implied, or fade to black. If for some reason that changes, I will let you know.

Thanks for reading!

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