Strive 11: Supernatural Form.

16 1 74

Tao's POV

Clash! Clash!

"Rgh! Rgh!" I slash downwards and then horizontally to take out the target in front of me. 


"Argh!" I received a lower claw attack which cause me to fall on my back.


I was now laying down on my back and I can feel the monster stomping towards me with excitement. I slowly sat up with an angry expression "T-tch!" 

I held my chest and felt the warmth still within me. I grab my clothes and shake my head " nothing!!!". I do a front flip and dash toward the monster once more. I saw Akuma rushing from my left while dragging her sword onto the ground. It made sparks while dust forms around the tip of the blade. 

"Die!" Akuma shouted while bringing the blade towards the Monster's head vertically. She leaps off the ground a bit and does a little spin before being air born. She smirks "Your fucking head is mine, bitch!" 

Akuma backs up the blade a bit then-


-Quickly slash at its neck. But unfortunately, that didn't work and made Akuma widen her eyes in shock.

"SON OF A-" Akuma got interrupted by a huge shadow coming towards her left side.


The monster's fist slams on Akuma's waist and made her spit a lot of blood. 

Thump! Thump! Crash!

Akuma's blade spins around and slams on the ground while Akuma bounces on the ground two times before crashing towards a boulder. The monster lifts its claws and it glows. The claws I mean. Luckily, I made it on time and grip on my weapon with two hands "You'll pay for that!!" I shouted.

I drag the sword off the floor and-

-slash upwards and hopefully cut it deeply for it to retreat. I cause a huge gust of wind to blow from the slash being so fast. I lower my sword and sweat a lot more "Did I get it? *Shock* H-huh?!" 

To my surprise, the wound already healed. 


The monster slash downwards which made me jump back a bit. But soon afterward-


It thrust its claws into my stomach. I started to feel the pain from the past tortures raising as it was now mixed with the pain from that blow from the monster. I widen my eyes as I slowly get pushed back by its force. My grip slowly loses my sword.

"Bleh!" I spit out blood. Lots. Of blood.

"Tao!" Kishi screams my name. This made me regain my grip on my sword. I narrow my eyes with determination "I can't...give up yet...!!!!" 


I felt my body suddenly receiving more strength thanks to my best friend's voice. I slam my foot hard and aim my swing towards its neck "Eat thhhiiiiiiiissssssssss!!!!!!!!" 


I slammed my sword on its neck. It didn't open but it pushed back the monster a bit. Good. I use this chance to jump back a bit to catch my breath. I saw Akuma jumping out from the rocks with a wicked grin "AH, YEAH! THAT'S THE GOOD SHIT!" 


Akuma forces her body on top of the monster's head while smiling widely. "Yo, monster! I know you're unkillable but FUCK IT!" she made her sword appear and spins it around to make the edge aim towards the monster's head "PREPARE FOR A MAJOR FUCKING HEADACHE BITCH!"

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu