Part 15: Phone Seggs

Start from the beginning

"Harold stop. I told you I was done living that life, and I promised someone very important to me that I'd make better choices. My answer is no."

Harold looked around. "Well word on the street is that you're bout to get booted outta this place, that would be shame."

"That's none of your fucking business!" Niko lashed out, his face getting red."

Harold snorted, and stood. "Well, think about it, 'cause you could pay this dump off with the kinda money you about to make outta this deal." He paused. "You're the best and that's what I need. Think about it. I'll be in touch."

Niko didn't bother to answer. Once his visitor had gone, he stared outside with brooding intensity. He was a dumbass not to take Harold up on his offer. And the main reason for it was a 6'ft4 tall glass of chocolate he was senselessly in love with.
He pounded the desk with his fist, and the pens and paper on it went flying.

It was preposterous to him how much of a hold that man still had on him after all these years. All Ace ever had to do was say jump and Niko was gonna ask how high.

Niko's phone began to go off right then, and at first he ignored it. But when it wouldn't stop he answered it without even bothering to look at the screen.


"Whoa whoa, calm your hyper ass down baby." Came Ace's soothing voice.

Calmness immediately washed all over Niko, as he found himself sitting back and relaxing. "Hey." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"What you doing?"

"Nothing. Sitting here missing you." Niko deflected, the last thing he wanted was to dwell on his current situation any further.

"You sound frustrated, what's wrong?" Ace inquired. Of course he noticed, he always knew how to clock Niko.

"Yeah I guess I'm a little frustrated. Mostly sexually frustrated though, it's been a minute." All jokes aside, that was one of Niko's biggest troubles at the moment.

Ace laughed a little, but then his voice became icy when he said. "Why you holding out then?" He knew Niko was changing the direction of the conversation on purpose but chose to let him.

"Because I want you."

Ace's breath hitched for a bit, he had been doing any and everything to get Niko out his system for ages, and hearing him talk like that wasn't exactly helping. "Niko..."

"Yeah yeah I know what you bout to say, I need to move on and live life blah blah blah."

Ace couldn't help but roll his eyes at that. "No, smart ass, you think you know everything. What I was finna say is that imma get checked out to make sure I'm clean, I already put the plan in motion."

The hairs behind Niko's neck stood up real fast at the thought of possibly having sex with Niko again after seven years. "For real?"


Niko smiled broadly, that was the first good news he'd had all week. He closed his eyes and pictured what that scene would give, everything felt earth shattering with that man. Niko was dominant as fuck but he submitted to Ace willingly and loved every second of it.

"Imma fuck you real good one last time and we gon be done aight, for good this time. Holding on to me is not gon do nothing but keep you from giving life a real try."

Niko was so lost in thought that he hadn't heard anything Ace said, "Huh?"

"Nothing. Never mind. Where you at right now?" Ace asked, deciding it was probably for the best that Niko hadn't heard him, they could have that conversation when the time came.

"My office. Why?"

"Go lock the door real quick and sit back down."

Without being told twice Niko did as he was told with the quickness.

"What you have on?"

"Jeans and a T-shirt."

"Take it off," Ace breathed, rubbing his dick slowly. "Imma make you feel real good, and..."

A loud knock on Niko's door shook them both out of the zone they had quickly traveled to.

"Who the fuck is that?!" Niko yelled, annoyed.

"Your wife, remember me?"

Niko rolled his eyes, he forgot he had one of those to be honest. Why was she even here? "Hold on."

"Go take care of that I'll call you another time." Ace told him and hung up.

Niko cussed under his breath for a solid minute before gathering himself and went to get the door. He was about to be an asshole until he saw his daughter standing next to Dreya.

"Hi daddy." The little girl said, hugging him.

"Hi beautiful. What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the day with your mommy."

She shrugged but said nothing. Instead she walked passed her dad and went in his office.

"What's going on here Dreya?"

"Well what's going is that while you were busy doing God knows what with your door firmly locked, I was getting chose to go represent my company abroad. I have a flight to catch and I'll be gone for three weeks."

Niko blinked. "What? Just like that huh? No prior notice or anything, the first time in months you have your daughter you're just gonna dump her here and go on some trip?"

"This money is not gonna make itself boo. Mama has to put in the work." She said in a condescending tone and walked away.

Niko had to apply every self restraint to keep from pulling her the fuck back and telling her about herself. But his daughter didn't need to see nor hear all that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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