Lol no 🤨😒

What do you think you're doing Watoshi 🗡️🗡️🗡️

Do you want to die🤨

I've already dug his grave 🏹

Currently making plans to sell him of as a slave 😘

Don't worry guys I won't marry him he's balls probably stinks and he gives me smol dick energy 💃

Yutaro: emotional damage🙇

Kokonoi: nah that was existencial damage😭😀




Miss Haruto 😭😭😭😭

Shut up
Everyone go to sleep or we'll all die😬

I'm sure we'll be fine😽😼

Mikey is online

Fuck this shit I'm out ✌️

Konomi is offline


Everyone is offline

Konomi woke up on Mikey who had already woken up staring at the ceiling.

Konomi: Mickey morning.

Mikey: seriously I'm not a cartoon character (sighs).

Konomi: if you say so (gets out of bed).

Mikey: where are you going?

Konomi: to get ready for the day probably get take some coffee.

Mikey: come to my office when you're ready.

Konomi: alright, but I'm gonna borrow some clothes though.

Mikey: whatever.

   Konomi stood up and made her way to Mikey's closet where she put on a hoodie and one of his boxers before leaving.

Konomi: bye bye (leaves his room and heads to the kitchen).

    The building was still quite meaning most people were still asleep.
   Konomi went to the kitchen and started to make some coffee, when suddenly some hands held her from the back, she wasn't scared thinking it was Sanzu or Ran but she immediately went on defensive after hearing the unfamiliar voice "morning gorgeous"

Konomi: what the hell!!! (starts struggling) I swear I'll kill you if you don't let me go (grabs a knife).

   As soon as she grabbed the knife the hands let her go as she turned around to see a tall male with brown and gold hair and gold eyes staring at her while smirking.

Konomi: you better tell me who you are before I slit that long neck of yours.

Hanma: you're breaking my heart darling, I see they didn't tell you who I am.

Sanzu: (walks into the kitchen with Ran) what's going on here?

Ran: oh Hanma is that you?

Hanma: in the flesh.

Konomi: will someone tell me what the heckity-heck is going on here.

Hanma: (grabs Konomi's hand and kisses it) the name is Hanma Shuji darling, I'm Bonten's secret ninth executive (smirks and winks at her).

Konomi: huh executive?

Hanma: yup.

Konomi: how come no one ever talks about you?

Bonten's love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora