Chapter 21

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  It's been two days since the death of Konomi's friends.
  Konomi was in her room getting ready to go for Sumiko's burial she couldn't go to Inoko or Ria's burial because they were buried almost immediately.

Konomi: *so it's finally time to let go huh* (crying in front of the mirror).

Mochi: it's time for me to drop you off (enters her room).

Konomi: (cleans her tears) alright let's go.

    Konomi and Mochi then left Bonten and went to the cemetery where the burial was taking place.

Mochi: call me when you're ready to leave okay (pecks her forehead).

Konomi: no problem, I will (gets out of the car).

   Mochi then drives off, but he still stays nearby just incase.
  The burial was brief and very depressing, Konomi and Sumiko's mum were the one affected the most, the mom couldn't help but cry throughout the whole time, while Konomi was trying her best to hold her tears even though tears would occasionally role down her cheeks.
    When it was over people eventually started to leave, and Konomi ended up bumping into someone she didn't expect.

Konomi: (bumps into someone) excuse me.

Bar attendant: no it was my fault.

Konomi: wait aren't you the bar attendant from the club that day.

Bar attendant: actually my name is Azumine.

Konomi: my apologies, but why are you here.

Azumine: (starts to tear up and clenched his fist tightly) me and Sumiko actually started dating.

Konomi: (eyes widen) oh my,  I had no idea my apologies.

Azumine: no problem, I should get going now, excuse me (walks away quickly).

   Konomi was definitely shocked but as she watched Azumine walk away she could see him clean his tears.

Konomi: (walks closer to Sumiko's grave and sits Infront of it) you know your really causing alot of trouble, Sumiko (starts sobbing uncontrollably) did you really have to go?

   Konomi curled up as sat there crying until she couldn't cry anymore.
   It had been about an hour since she was there she felt weak since she didn't eat breakfast in the morning, her vision was starting to blur.

Konomi: (feels a hand on her shoulder).

Mochi: c'mon that's enough, let's go (lifts her up).

Konomi: yeah (snuggled into him).

   Mochi carried her back to the car.
   By the time they got there she was already fast asleep, he layed her down in the car and drove back to Bonten.
   When they got there she was still asleep so he carried her into the building.

Sanzu: hey!

Mochi: shh you'll wake her up.

Sanzu: oops.

Kakucho: how was it?

Mochi: she cried alot, but she should be fine after this.

Takeomi: (puts hand on her head) at least she doesn't have a fever, you should just drop her in her room and let her sleep.

Mochi: I will.

   Mochi then took her to her room and gently tucked her into bed.
   Hours passed and it was already evening time.

Ran: someone should go check on princess, it's been hours.

Kokonoi: yeah.

Kakucho: I'll go.

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