Chapter 36.5

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  It has been three days since the trip to the Caribbeans and it was the morning of Ran's birthday.
   They were all the dining room eating breakfast before Ran came running in.

Ran: guess who.

Konomi: well if it isn't the birthday boy himself.

Ran: that's right we'll be going out to celebrate later today.

Konomi: when I say birthday you say party, birthday.

Everyone: party.

Mikey: party?

Ran: I hope you all have my present ready.

Konomi: sure.

Sanzu: yup.

Rindou: nope.

Konomi: so tonight will be fun.

   They all finished eating breakfast and went to do their jobs.
  It was evening and Konomi informed them that she would be a little late so she would meet them at the club.
    Once they got to the club they sat at their special area reserved just for them since the club was under Bonten.

Sanzu: when will princess arrive? it's no fun without her.

Kokonoi: she said she would be late, Yutaro and Watoshi will drop her off.

Ran: well there's no use sulking until she comes let's get the party started (opens the bottle of champagne) woah there we go.

Rindou: (holds out his glass) give.

Takeomi: (lights a cigarette) I wonder what she'll be wearing.

Kakucho: she has a great fashion sense.

Mochi: I'm sure she'll look jaw dropping.

Ran: (phone rings) hello?
Hanma: Ran you bastard Happy birthday.
Ran: thanks dickhead.
Hanma: you better send me pictures of doll all dressed up tonight.
Ran: you haven't even thanked me for the pictures in the different swimsuits.
Hanma: fine, thanks, but don't forget I want the pictures of what she's wearing tonight.
Ran: fine see ya asshole.
Hanma: happy birthday moron (hangs up).

Sanzu: who was that?

Ran: Hanma.

Rindou: makes sense.

   Suddenly a ground of half naked girls came to the VIP section like the usual.

Girls: happy birthday Mister Haitani.

Ran: thank you ladies (winks at them).

   All of the girls started to blush and fan girl over Ran and the rest of the executives, some tried to get close to Mochi, Takeomi and Kakucho but they just waved them off like girls trying to keep their virginity for their wedding night, Sanzu and Ran didn't mind the girls coming close to them two even sat on their lap though they didn't give them much attention, Kokonoi was to busy checking his bank account, while Mikey and Rindou put on an intense aura field making the girls not to be able to get close to them.

Girl: hey there daddies would one of you like to take me or my friend home tonight? (Winks at them).

Kakucho: no thanks *it's better when Konomi calls me that*

Takeomi: (takes a drag from his cigarette) no *she's not my type*

Mochi: I'll pass *I wonder when Konomi will be here*

Girl: excuse me Mr Kokonoi.

Kokonoi: (checking his phone) I'm busy can't you see.

Girl: Mr Sanzu don't you want me tonight?

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