Chapter 38

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      Konomi stood in shock her face was pale as she glanced back and forth between the Bonten executives that were tied to chairs and her father who was standing in front of her.

Konomi: why are they tied up? isn't it me you want?

Mr Haruto: (throws a gun at her) you know you'll always be my darling daughter, and I want to provide the best life for you.

Konomi: (catches the gun) and?

Mr Haruto: and I want to create a huge organization and overthrow Bonten, so we need to get rid of them, and once I'm done we'll be able to rule together like father and daughter.

Kokonoi: don't listen to him he just wants to use you.

Takeomi: his right.

Man: and why won't she?

A tall black haired man stepped out of his shadows, he had been watching quietly, with a cigarette in-between his fingers, he was Mr Haruto's right hand man.
  Konomi turnef her head to find the owner of the voice, as she sees the red pupils of the black haired man eyeing her

Konomi: (eyes widen) you?!

Man: hey babe you missed me?

Konomi: fuck you! (points the gun to him).

Mr Haruto: (lowers her gun) calm down dear he works for me.

Konomi: what?!

Mr Haruto: I told him to look after you while I was gone.

Konomi: look after me? Look after meee?!!!! Fuck it he tried to rape me, I fuckin hate you Juro, your literally the reason I left Japan!

Juro: don't be like that babe, how am I supposed to resist someone like you? You know I love you.

Konomi: fuck you and your stupid excuse for love!!

Mr Haruto: but you escaped so it doesn't matter.

Kakucho: that's not what a father should say.

Mr Haruto: shut up (hugs Konomi) finish them dear and we can live together happy without anyone getting in our way.

Konomi: (hugs him back) y-yes father.

Juro: such an obidient girl (likes his lips).

   Konomi corked her gun as she made her way to Mikey.
   She lacked emotion her brown eyes dull as if she was hypnotized.

Sanzu: princess! princess! don't do this!

Ran: snap out of it!

Rindou: don't do it!

Kakucho: stop this!

Mr Haruto: she can't hear you, I've trained her to be loyal only to me and only me.

Juro: finish them quickly, so me and you can have fun together (smirks).

   Konomi walked to Mikey she looked him dead in the eyes, neither of them spoke a word as she raised her gun to his forehead.
She then whispered something in his ears and.

Konomi: Sayonara.


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