Chapter 23

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Yutaro: we can use one of the official cars.

Konomi: sounds good as long as I don't have to walk.

   Watoshi then pulled up in an expensive black car, Yutaro then opened the back door for Konomi, and he sat at the front seat.

Konomi: (hands Yutaro the paper) this contains the address of the club tell me when we get there (puts on earpods and scrolls through her phone).

Yutaro: Watoshi.

Watoshi: yeah?

Yutaro: you better not do anything that will make Miss Haruto angry, or else we will both be dead at the end of this mission.

Watoshi: you think I don't know that everyone hates me.

Yutaro: because your a perverted idiot, anyway the club is at xxx.

  The rest of the ride was silent everyone was keeping to themselves, after about twenty minutes they reached their destination.

Yutaro: Miss Haruto we've arrived.

Konomi: hmm I can't believe it's already noon, so this is the huh?

Yutaro: yes it is.

Konomi: are there any guns in this car?

Yutaro: yes (gives her a gun).

Konomi: thank you (gets down from the car).

Yutaro: (gets down from the car).

Watoshi: I'll just go park.

Konomi: whatever.

  Watoshi then drove off leaving Yutaro and Konomi together.

Konomi: (starts walking towards the club) let's go in he can catch up.

Yutaro: (follows her) alright.

   They both walked into the club.
   It was closed in the daytime so no one but the workers were around.

Konomi: (see a man sweeping the floor and walks to him) excuse me, where's the managers office?

Man: last door down the hall (points to the passage).

Konomi: alright thank you, let's go Yutaro.

Yutaro: yes.

  They both go down to the passage and Yutaro opens the door for Konomi to enter.

Konomi: good day Mr Akeno.

Mr Akeno: oh my what a beautiful woman (smiles) how can I help you.

Konomi: (looks at him in disgust) I don't like you (sits on the couch and crosses her legs while Yutaro stands next to her).

Yutaro: Miss Haruto, has come from Bonten HQ to inspect club.

Mr Akeno: is that so.

Konomi: do you care to explain why the profits are going down?

   The door open and a middle aged woman with blond hair wearing a very exposing dress came in holding papers.

Woman: Mr Akeno I have the papers you requested.

Mr Akeno: damn it Kotone can't you see I'm busy!!!

Kotone: (flinches) sorry sir.

Konomi: *I really don't like him* miss.

Kotone: yes ma'am.

Konomi: sit down.

Kotone: umm?

Mr Akeno: that's not necessary she's just my assistant, besides she has work to do.

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