✦ Black Mama (Name)?!?! 🤔

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So the remaining of you guys were Robin, Luffy, Chopper , Nami, Ussop and Franky

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So the remaining of you guys were Robin, Luffy, Chopper , Nami, Ussop and Franky.

Oh, and Law.

And he wanted to band together to kill one of the four emperors.

"HOW DO WE KNOW WE CAN TRUST HIM, we're all pirates in this so it's expected for him to betray us, I'm just concerned.. because you're so quick to trust." says Robin. "Hey, are you gonna betray me?" Luffy asks Law, "No," "See!" He smiled brightly and you started giggling a little while paying attention to Roro.

"THE REST OF US ARE GONNA NEED MORE THAN THAT!" Shouts Ussop. "Oh come on, a pirate alliance sounds fun, right? My gut says Travy is an okay guy! But even if he's not; still, you guys were training for years I'll let you protect me." Luffy says positively.

Which flattered everyone very much.

"Awh," you say looking at your friends with a fond smile. "Mamumama!" Roro starts poking you and you look down at the poor baby. "Umama!" He starts clapping and you pinch his chubby cheeks. "Still I can't believe that one of your crew members is a mother. Better yet a new one." "Huhhh?" Everyone lets out sounds of confusion. "This is my baby I just found him crying out in the snow but how could someone leave such a cute little chunk chunk out in the cold? Hes so chunky!" You poke the giggling baby boy.

"Chunk chunk..." you repeated while squeezing the baby lightly and he lightly hits you on the head and you look at him with slightly furrowed brows and he started laughing. "That is mean!" He giggled and wobbles over to Law and starts hitting him with his toys. "Hes so cute!" You fawned over the baby. "He is not— ow!" Roro has landed a strike in the face with a mini toy. He then finds a spot next to Luffy as he is holding onto his coat. So chopper and Law sent out to find the others and now you gotta get this dude named Caeser clown.

Your eyes widened as Luffy was tweaking he was reaching for the sky while holding his neck and making noises, what happened to him? So the ones who had went with him, Robin, you and Franky went to save him but when Robin came to make him fly had came to save him she had passed out too.. what was happening to your friends? He was laughing like this was funny and you and Roro were the only one's standing until he snatched Roro up. "GIVE ME MY BABY BACK!" You yelled and he started doing his weird laugh. "Shirororororororo! What if I..." the last thing you hear is Roro's tears and crying before he passes out too.

"STOP FOLLOWING ME!" You pleaded with tears going down your eyes, you tried your all to fight this Caesar dude and it did nothing and he kept taunting you and following you. "You'll never make it like this, why don't you come with me and let me experiment on you.. I'll make you stronger." He keeps floating around you and speaking to you. Even if he already had you in his laboratory, you had found some of your friends that were placed outside as they were gonna get turned into ice snow statues and you had lost it there.

 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 : 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦. (✘)Where stories live. Discover now