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Every day living alone with his father was the same. Get home from school, have dinner alone, do homework, work on music until his father gets home, and pray that he'd forget he ever existed as soon as he opened a bottle of beer.

Most nights, Taehyung wasn't so lucky. His father would come into his room, rip up his pages of music and yell about what an insignificant piece of shit he was.

"You worthless little bastard!"


"I wish I could fucking kill you!"

Another slap.

"Your mother would be disgusted, knowing what you write about. You filthy fucking whore!"

A kick to the stomach, and Taehyung would hold in his cries and hope that tomorrow no bruises would be obvious on his face. And even if they were, all teachers would turn a blind eye, for his father was one of the most wealthy, influential people in the country.

It sucks being the young son of a rageful, stressed, and merciless man that spat on his dreams of being a star. He wanted acceptance and he'd never get it from his only parent.

"You cope with life by writing this shit?!"

His father crumbled and tore apart any page of lyrics in that notebook, stomping on it as the young boy screamed and cried. All that hard work, all that passion...was gone. Torn to pieces and all the boy could do was plead for his father to stop. Which he never did.

"You're a sinful, disgusting little creature writing about such things...you think anyone would want to listen to you! You don't fucking matter! The only worth you have is your last name. My last name, and how dare you throw dirt on it by writing such music and having the audacity to think you'll be anything but a worthless little shit! How fucking dare you!"

Taehyung scrunched his face in pain, his father's firm grip yanking his hair and he expected a punch. Only another harsh slap came, and Taehyung huddled back onto the ground, covering his head with his arms for protection as he sobbed and heard his father's dress shoes clicking against the wood floors, fading into the hallway and Taehyung shakily breathed out when the sound of the front door slamming shut echoes throughout the house.

The boy sniffles and wipes his tears, sadly looking down at the shreds of paper littering his bedroom floor and his trembling hands slowly pick up the pieces. There was no putting them back together, too much damage had been done and although the torn-up pages were his life, he wasn't too sad it was destroyed because he remembered every page...every lyric.

He throws them away and takes out a new notebook from his desk, deciding that he can hide it in the closet since his father wasn't much of a snooper. For about three hours, the boy sits on his bed filling each page with every one of his songs.

He sings to himself so he properly remembers everything, and although earlier wasn't the worst he's received from his father, it still felt soul-crushing.

Seeing him rip up his precious work, songs he's written at school, or the park, or even at 3 am when he got inspiration. Every song held nostalgia for him, remembering how he came up with the beat and where he was at the time.

Watching every page be torn apart made him feel like his insides were being crushed, his heart was beating erratically and he sobbed so hard he could barely see or breathe.

As time went on, Taehyung became cold and angry. He was a rebellious teenager, diving into drugs, parties, and girls whenever school was over and he had a choice to go away with his friends. He was the school bad boy, but seeing as his father was a known man, he kept his grades high and made no trouble in the public eye.

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