"H-Hunter and L-Logan said that we have to wake up so we can go running", I said while I hummed and hawed like a frighting little boy.

"Oh, ok I will wake Blake, we will change and we will meet you in the living room", he said and I nodded as I started to leave. When I closed the door, I exhaled because I was holding my breath. Other times I was trembling but with these guys, I am a little relaxed and I like that because I like them. They are cool and they didn't give me the bully and bad vibe.

Last, I headed to Monica's room to wake her up. Yesterday, I studied her carefully and she didn't give me the vibe like the other girls. Hence, she's pretty but something was not right. Accordingly, to my data and logic, she is human and felt like a normal human. Then, why was a human at this academy? Except, she had magic but I didn't sense any on her.

Suddenly, I went to open the door but it was opened by Monica herself. When she saw me her eyes widened and she let a cute little squeak. I took a few steps back and said "I'm s-sorry, I didn't want to startle you but the others are awake to go for a run and-" and then I realized what she wore. She had a pink hoodie and black sweatpants with her pink and grey sneakers. Moreover, her hair was in two braids and she had put her piercings too.

After I studied her outfit I observed her room. The walls had a light purple color and her bed was horizontally below her window. Her wooden closet was left to her door and her white desk was right. Similarly, her room was crystal clear and she had put many frames with photos on her desk, and on the right wall, she had put posters with bands, dancers, and more photos. Last, her curtain was light purple with many colorful flowers on it. Subsequently, I looked over her face and found her with a small smile on her. Her green and gray eyes were traveling me to a vast green plain with animals and a blue sky.

"Hi", she only said.

"Hi". She laughed softly, took my hand, and led me to the living room. I felt my body on fire and my heart was about to burst out of my chest. Will she continue to act like this when she will learn what I am? As we walked, I saw that all the guys were in the living room waiting for us, and eventually, their eyes went to our join hands with Monica's.

"Finally, I got boring waiting for all of you", said Hunter,

"Luke, are you going to come like this, because I don't have a problem", he smirked and I blushed even more.

"He is like that because he helped you to wake all the others so you can at least say thank you to him", Monica said with a blank expression on her face. "It's ok I'm going to change and I will be back in 3 minutes", I said and headed to my room. I changed quickly into sweatpants and a grey hoodie, I put my shoes on and walked back into the living room.

"OK let's go", said Hunter and we all walked outside the room and we headed out of the building. We kept walking until we were where the woods started. "So, listen up. We will run through the woods in a slow rhythm and we will come back here to do some exercises and then we will go to the dorm, take a shower we will eat and then we will go to our class lessons. This will be our program from now on. Every day we will do this but not the weekends. At the weekend you can do anything you want but I forgot to say yesterday that you have to study and get good grades. If you want to have high grades you will study, if you want to have bad grades you don't study. I think you have to meditate for yourself and no one else. Now enough with the words so let's get our legs to run", he finished and showed us some work-up exercises.

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