chapter one

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"Ella, hello, wake up!" I suddenly wake up to Victoria shaking my shoulder rather aggressively.

"What time is it?" I say with my eyes still struggling to adjust to the harsh, bright light as Victoria pulls my curtains open.

"It's almost 10, Ella, we are going to be late... again" Victoria says as she looks into my mirror and starts to put her lipstick on. That's when I notice that Victoria was completely ready, dressed in a long floral dress with her long blonde hair in braids.

I quickly jump out of bed and put my white top and matching skirt on. I tied back my dark brown hair into a ponytail and put a white cap on to conceal my bed head. I hated this uniform, and I hated that it was so short.

"Wait, you're wearing your work uniform to school?" Victoria questioned, whilst helping me pack my bag.

"I have to, I won't have time to change for work" I reply as we both head to the elevator.

Me and Victoria are both students at the University of Monaco. Soon to be graduating, which is terrifying but also exciting? I met Victoria 3 years ago when I'd just moved to Monaco for university. Instantly, we became best friends. It was like we'd known each other our whole lives and we've been inseparable since. We've been living together for the past two years in a small, quaint apartment in Monte Carlo.

As we begin our short walk to campus, we notice that there's a lot more people in the city than usual. All looking confused, all looking amazed. Monaco was truly the most beautiful city, I wholeheartedly never want to leave.

"What's with all the tourists?" Victoria whispered to me with a bewildered face, as we try to get through the masses of people.

"Vic, seriously come on, it's the grand prix this weekend" I replied, trying to hold in my slither of anger. I've been talking to Victoria about the grand prix constantly for the past few days.

"Oh my god, Why am I so stupid?" Victoria said as she laughs and puts her hand on my shoulder as a form of an apology. "You got us tickets right? I'm excited" She continued with a smile on her face.

"Yes, but I don't even know if I will want to go. What if Mclaren call and say I didn't get the job?" I explained, looking down.

"Ellasandra, you are going to get that job. You are the top media student at our University. There's literally no way you aren't getting it." Victoria assured me as we entered the campus building.

Me and Victoria hugged each other goodbye, going our separate ways to our different classes. I enter the huge hall and instantly find my friend, thankfully, and sat next to him.

"Hey Louis" I whispered to him, he responded with a smile as the professor began to talk.

I couldn't help but think of my dream job. Mclaren was my father's favourite team, he would've been delighted to see me work there if he was still alive. I really wanted this social media job for me and for him. The anticipation was killing me but I knew it wasn't long till they'd reach a verdict.

As the clock neared towards 11, everyone began packing their bags to leave.

"Any special news I should know about?" Louis asked as he gently ran his fingers through his light blonde hair with a small grin.

"Oh no, not yet, sorry, but I should know by Friday" I responded with a hopeful smile.

"Oh, Vic made it sound like you'd already got the job when she texted me about the plans tomorrow" Louis explained, immediately realising he has ruined the surprise for me. "Forget I said anything, there is no plans" he exclaimed with a worried look.

"I'll act surprised for you, don't worry. We wouldn't want Vic to kill you" I said, laughing and placing my hand on Louis' broad shoulder as we walked outside.

"Do you want me to drive you to work?" Louis asked as turned to his car and then looked back at me.

"Are you sure?" I replied as I headed to the car door. He nodded as he sat down in the driver's seat.

We began driving through the streets of Monaco, I put my hand out of the window to feel the breeze. It was a short drive to the golf course.

"Here we are" Louis announced with a smile on his face as he began to park his car.

"Oh my god, no way" I said as I pointed at a Ferrari 488 Pista Spider parked up by the entrance.

"What the - do you know who's car that is?" Louis asked with a shocked face.

"Probably just some old rich guy, they're the only people that come here" I said with a slight chuckle.

"Ellasandra, you want to work for F1, and you didn't know that is the Charles Leclerc's car" Louis shouted at me, I covered his mouth with my hands as I'm pretty sure the whole golf course heard him.

"I'm sorry I don't obsess over F1 drivers' personal lives like you, Louis" I said slowly removing my hand from his mouth and begin to step out of his car. "Thank you for taking me, never stop being my chauffeur please" I begged with a grin on my face.

Louis laughed and waved goodbye, as he began to drive away.

I began to walk to the golf course staff room, I quickly filled my water bottle and headed to the outdoor cafe which was right at the start of the golf course.

I began to restock the fridge with water and other refreshments. That's when I hear a quiet cough to get my attention, it almost startled me. I turn around quickly and that's when I see him.

Charles Leclerc, in the flesh.

Charles Leclerc, in the flesh

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