~Hints part 2~

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"Have you heard the rumor Y/n?" your friend asked you, a sly smile on their face.

"What rumor?" You reply.

"Five is talking to a girl" they said, wiggling their eyebrows at you.


Your stomach dropped. You really thought you had a chance with him. Your plan was going so well, it even looked like he might like you back. Seeing your sad expression your friend rolled their eyes.

"Y/nnnn. I think he's talking about you!" They said.

"What!?" You squeaked, a light blush coming to your face.

"Think about it, the day after you make a move on him he starts talking about some girl" they said with a raised eyebrow.

"Aaannndd~ the only hint he's given is that there a very close friend~" they continued in a sing song tone. "Didn't you say you two were childhood friends?".

"Y-yeah.... We live right next to one another..." you mumbled, heat rising to your cheeks a the memory.

"Wait. Where are you getting all this from?" You asked, squinting your eyes suspiciously at your friend.

"School gossip page" they replied with a smirk, "Anyone can add gossip anonymously, and Five hasn't replied or took the post down" she turned over her phone for your to have a look.

"Five told me about this page once" you whispered. "He told me he goes on there when he's bored" you laughed out.

"Exactly! So if he looks at it a lot he must have seen this already. And if he didn't agree he would say so and shut the rumour down!" They pointed out.

You gulped at their words, your stomach doing flips.

Could Five actually like you?!

He didn't seem to push you away when you had dropped hints to him

He had even blushed!

You took a deep breath.

You couldn't get your hopes up either...

So what were you going to do??

"He could like me..." you mumbled in agreement to your friend. "But I can't get my hopes up just yet... What do you think I should do?" You asked them, furrowing your eyebrows and bitting your lip nervously.

"Hmmm..." they said, deep in thought.

You both sat there for a few minutes, thinking of a plan.

"I've got it!!!" Your friend exclaimed after some time. "Plan another meet up with him, if he makes a move, you've got your answer. If he doesn't, you make a move. If he complies, he likes you. If he doesn't like you , he won't comply" they told you. "But I find that last part very unlikely" they whispered under their breath.

You gulped softly, oblivious to your friend's last comment. "O-ok..." you whispered, "I-I'll try...".

~time skip~

You were now standing outside the familiar gates of Five's house. You could feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, a rush of adrenaline pumping through you.

You took a few shaky breaths before walking up to the door and ringing the door bell. As you waited for Five to open the door, you contemplated why you were doing this.

However, you snapped out of your thoughts as Five opened the door.

"Hey Y/n" he said with a small smile. "Hello Five" you replied, a smile of your own making its way onto your face. Your remained calm as Five gestured for you to enter.

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