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You were sat next to your best friend, (best friend's name).

Staring into space, the only sound was your best friend scrolling through their feed.

"(Best friend"s name)" You said, after a few moments. "Yeah" they said, looking up from their phone.

"Am I a horrible person?" You asked, a frown forming on your face.

"What!? Of course not!" They exclaimed, "why would you asked me that?!".

"Everyone keeps telling me they like this boy, and every time they tell me I want to punch them" you said, a blank expression on your face.


"It's because I like him too" you explained, a troubled look on your face.


"Does that make me a horrible person?" You asked yourself more than your friend.

"Of course not!!" Your friend laughed out, softly, "And I think I know why your feeling like this".

"Why?" You asked, your head turning to look at your friend.

"It's because your jealous silly!" Your friend giggled.

Your eyes widened at their words.

"Oh" you said after a minute, "Oh".

"If you like this boy so much, you should try talking with them more" they suggested, "it might scare everyone else off".

"But..." you sighed, "I already talk to him a lot, he just thinks of me as a friend...".

"Y/n, have you ever tried even suggesting you liked him?" Your friend asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well..." you thought about it for a moment. "No".

"That's your answer" they giggled.

~time skip~

Ok Y/n....

Deep breath

You got this...

You and Five were going to meet at his house per usual for your weekly catch up.

Your friend had suggested a few things that might suggest to him that you like him, but your were going to take it slow.

You rang the doorbell on his house.

Oh God, were you actually going to do this?

Your felt your heart thumping loudly in your chest

Deep breaths Y/n

The front door opened and Five smiled at you brightly. "Hey Y/n! I was wondering when you would get here" he said, inviting you inside.

You smiled back, butterflies erupting in your stomach. You laughed softly at his words before stepping into his house.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked casually.

"Sure" you reply.

He didn't even need to ask you what drink, whenever you came over he made himself a cup of coffee and you a cup of tea (sorry if you don't like tea!😬).

You sat at the table as you waited for Five.


This could go two ways,

Five won't get the hint, and it will be super awkward


Five will get the hint and....


Oh God... and what?

"Don't think about the future, and think about the present instead" you told yourself as Five placed your drink in front of you.

"Thanks" you said, a bright smile on your face.

You watched as he took a sip of his coffee, admiring his lovey features.

You kept your gaze locked on his eyes, they were looking out the window.

When they finally met yours, you had to force yourself not to look away. You hated prolonged eye contact.

You got this Y/n

"What?" He said, noticing you were staring at him.

Your lips curled into a smile, "Nothing..." you said softly.

Five gulped softly at your words, taking another sip of his drink and breaking the eye contact.

But that didn't cover the light blush on his cheeks. Your stomach erupted in butterflies at the sight .

Step one complete

~time skip~

You giggled at Fives words. "Klaus did what!?" You said in disbelief.

"I walked into the kitchen, to make a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, and there he was" Five laughed.

"A bag over his head doing G-god knows..." he continued, before you lightly touched his hand, mid conversation.

"Something wrong Five?" You asked, eyes innocently looking up at him, "I want to hear the rest of the story".

"N-no, nothings wrong!" he said quickly, clearing his throat.

"H-he had a bag on his head, d-doing God know what" Five stuttered, a deep blush on his face.

He looked down from time to time, at your hand on top of his, and his blush deepened.

Ok Y/n, be casual!

Don't freak out! Don't freak out!

You could feel your heart beating fast in your chest. But you kept your composure, a warm smile gracing your face.

You laughed at Five's words, as if nothing has happened.

"I'm convinced even God doesn't know what Klaus does at this point" you said.

Five laughed at your joke, his own heart beating loudly in his ear, trying to ignore the feeling of your hand on top of his.

You and Five spent a few hours chatting, you kept on hinting to him that you liked him and it was a great success.

But now, it was time to leave.

"See you later Five" you said, a bright smile on your face.

"See you soon Y/n" Five said, smiling back. But there was something different behind his eyes, a small glint.

Ok Y/n, final blow, you got this!

Before you could think about it further, you went on your tiptoes and gave Five a soft kiss on his cheek.

A light blush made it way on your face and you smiled at Five one last time before walking out the door.

If you had turned back, you would have seen a flustered Five, eyes wide, mouth slightly open and cheeks bright red.


This took so long to complete 

I hope you enjoy!

Should I make a part two? (Edit: I made a part two!)


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