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Y/n couldn't stop crying, her father had just gotten into a car accident and had died. She felt helpless, like she could have saved him. Maybe if she had dropped him off herself, or if she had told him not to go, he would still be alive.

Now she lay in her bed, tears flooding down her rosy cheeks, eyes puffy and sore. She felt like she would never be happy again.

Then she heard a knock on her door, "Y/n?" Her mother whispered to her, "Can I come in for a second?". "Y/n tried to reply but all that came out was a sob. So, she decided to just open the door herself.

When she opened the door her mother immediately hugged her. For a second, she just stood there, before slowly wrapped her arms around her mother and letting out a hard sob.

"It's ok pumpkin, it's ok, let it all out.." her mother said to her in a soothing tone while rubbing her back gently. Her own tears forming in her eyes.

"I-it h-hurts mom" Y/n sobbed out. "I know pumpkin, I know" said her mom, "but it will get easier with time, I promise".

~a few hours later~

Y/n felt awful, she had been crying in bed all day. She had cried so much that there was no more tears left to cry. Now she sat, a tub of ice cream in her hand, watching her favourite Disney movie, Aladdin.

Her phone kept on buzzing but she ignored it. The movie finally finished and the credits came onto screen. Y/n huffed loudly before turning off her tv.

She was about to get out of bed to pick another movie, when suddenly she heard a loud "woosh". Y/n froze, she looked wide eyed around her room. "H-hello?!" She called out into her slightly dark room.

Suddenly, with another "woosh" and a flash of blue, a figure appeared in front of her. Y/n let out a loud scream before jumping out of bed.

"Wow, wow. Calm down Love, it's only me" a familiar voice said. Y/n looked up and sighed in relief to see that it was just her boyfriend, Five.

"Oh thank God!" Y/n huffed out. Five chuckled until he noticed her puffy eyes. He picked Y/n up from the floor and inspected her face, "Love... what's wrong, you haven't answered my texts all day" he asked her with a concerned expression on his face.

Y/n gazed into his eyes for a second, before her eyes started to water once again. "You we're worried... a-about me?" she choked out. Five looked at her stunned before wrapping his arms around her. "Of course I was Love!" he told her.

Y/n wrapped her hands around his neck and let out a whimper. "What's wrong Love" Five asked her "Did someone do something too you?!". " N-no buba, it's not that, don't worry" Y/n said as a tear slid down her face.

"I-it's just that, that" Y/n couldn't even finish her sentence when she started to sob uncomfortable. "Hey, hey! It's ok Love, calm down..." Five says while rubbing her back and sitting Y/n down on her bed.

After taking a few deep breaths, she continued " It's just t-that, my f-father j-just passed away" she whisper out. Five stayed silent for a moment looking at the broken girl in front of him before giving her the warmest, tightest hug he could muster. Instinctively, Y/n wrapped her arms around Five just as tightly.

And they just stayed like that, not moving, just in each other embrace. And for two weeks Five would come to visit Y/n every day. He would listen to her, comfort her and then they would cuddle until Five had to leave.

One day, in the middle of their cuddle fest, Y/n looked into Five's beautiful brown eyes before saying "Thank you Five, for always taking care of me and being patient with me as I heal".

Five just smiled, "You don't need to say thank you Love, I'll always look after you" he whispered softly, "and I hope you'd do the same for me in this tipe of situation" he jokes raising an eyebrow to try and lighten the mood.

Y/n giggled before nodding vigorously. "Of course I would Fivey!". Five felt a light blush cover his cheeks as he heard the nickname Y/n had given him many years before. Y/n, seeing the light blush, decided to take it one step further. "Aww, are you... blushing~" she whispered, with a cute but sly smirk.

Her heart leaped as she watched him get more and more flustered. "I-I, I w-was, I-" Five stumbled over his words. Y/n giggled softly before pressing her lips gently agents Five's to stop his rambling.

"You're cute when your flustered......"


Wow, I think this is my longest One-shot...


I hope you enjoyed!


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