Camp Rock x FEM reader

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Shay was passed he was being forced to become a instructor at the old camp his uncle runs. The only person he recognized was his uncle and to his surprise his brother nates ex. He was surprised to see her at camp especially since she was already a professional singer and dancer in his mind.

He knew his brother was still in love with her but just didn't have the balls to call her or tell her. Over his time there at camp he met Michie but also saw how popular and humble and shy she still was. When his brother joined him at camp shay and Jason agreed to try and get them back together. At the same time shay was looking for his mystery girl.

In reality Michie and the girl had become friends and were helping each other hide away with the help of Katelyn. When Katelyn and Michie learn about her ex being nate gray they were a bit surprised. In turn Michie told her about how she thinks she likes shay and that she might be the girl he is looking for.

When Michie gets grounded from final jam the girl tries to back her up. They found out the loop hole and Michie does her song which was beautiful and shay realizes that it was her the whole time. Michie whispers to shay about the girl and how she still liked nate. Shay smiled and asked where the girl was.

Behind the curtain Katelyn and Jason had walked over to the girl and had her dress up. She was confused but they told her that Michie needed help and was too nervous to sing more. The girl went alint with it still confused. Then shay and Jason went and sat next to nate. Michie and Katelyn were with the girl. They were trying to convince her to go put there and sing. They even had it planned with the help of the boys uncle.

Will she be able to sing again to nate? How will nate react to seeing her again?


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