Seven Deadly Sins x FEM Reader

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3000 years ago the demons and goddess clans were sealed away. Well except for meliodas and his lover Elizabeth. They had been cursed one to never age and live forever. The other to eternal reincarnation with the lose of her memories.

But what many didn't know was there was another who evaded the seal and sadly had been wrapped up in a curse. Hers worse than any of there's. They were doomed to live forever emotionless and reincarnate with every painful memory of each death.

They were left to wander around for years alone and unable to feel and remember anything but pain. She stumbled upon some holy knights struggling and helped easily defeat the beast. She became one of them and quickly rose in rank although unwilling to take on any new title.

They were confused as to why Hendrickson we was her superior in name only had the royals locked away and seemed out the sins. She had never met the sins at least not personally.

During the huge battle against Hendrickson who had been corrupted by demon blood. She had been brought to the fight by gilthunder. He had asked for her help since he had seen her strength during trainings.

During the battle she helps a small fairy before quickly reaching the others and helping defeat Hendrickson.

What she didn't know was she had left the fairy stunned by not only her actions, but her beauty. It wasn't just some fairy either it was king of the seven deadly sins the sin of sloth.

During the aftermath of the battle meliodis noticed her and recognized her as his and Elizabeth's friend. He introduces her the his new friends the sins. She politely greets all of them. When meliodas learns of her curse he hurts for his friend.

She agrees to tag along with them much to the joy of kings. The others begin to notice how king is when he is near her or learns about her. He feels sad when he learns her story. Angry when he learns she was a demon. Heartbroken when he learned she couldn't feel love or anything. And she could only remember bits and pieces of memories and mostly painful ones.

Will she stay with the sins or join her demon brothers the 10 commandments? Will King be able to break through the curse and save her? How does she feel about the fairy King after she is freed from the curse?


Story Ideas/One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora