Assassination Classroom x MALE reader

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The class was surprised when the learned from korosensei and karasuma that they would be getting a new student in there class. They had thought karma would be the last addition to there class.

The next day they wait for the new student to walk in. Apparently even korosensei didn't know anything about them. All that karasuma had told them was it was a boy and to be patient and considerate of them.

The door finally opened and everyone looked in anticipation at getting a glimpse of there new classmate and student. But it was karasuma who walked in. He took a second to look around and when he realized the new kid hadn't arrived yet she pinched his nose. He walk back out only to return moments later dragging a kid who would be there new classmate.

The kid had headphones on and just let karasuma drag him. He dropped the kid up front before signaling the boy to take of his headohine for a second. The boy lazily pulled one side off showing one of his ears. Karasuma sighed and told him to introduce himself and them go sit down.

The boy got off the ground and looked around the class. He introduced himself saying he wasn't that strong or smart and didn't know why he was put here.
Then put his headphone back over both ears and went to sit in the empty seat next the karma. He laid his head on his desk and stared out the window blocking out all noise that wasn't his music.

Everyone looked at the boy confused and they stared back at karasuma who sighed. He explained to just leave the boy alone and try not to bother them to much. He went on to say despite what the kid had said he was a great assassin and was very intelligent.

This difference of how the boy introduced himself and what karasuma said interested the red head named karma. Karma turned to get a good look at the now sleeping boy. He could feel something powerful in the boy even though he seemed lazy.

Karasume explained the boy was required to attend the class due to the government believing he needed to get out more. He told them how the kid didn't like loud noise or drama. Some students started to get upset and asked why he gets to sleep and wear his headphones. This time korosensei answered. He said based on what he had seen of the boy so far. The kid was sensitive to noise likely having good hearing. That along with social anxiety and lack of social interaction outside of work.

Karasuma nodded in agreement before leaving the class for they could start there lesson. A few days later they were assigned a new pe teacher and it didn't go well.

The class goes through alot and through it all the new kids actions were being watched by karma. Others begin to notice how karma would watch and mess with the boy.

Would Karma break the boy out of his shell? How will everyone react to the boys strength? Will they be able to kill or save korosensei?


Story Ideas/One Shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें