Lost At Sea ~An Unusual But Loving Home-

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   Mob was drifting off in the lonely sea- the sun had already risen above the water and high up into the sky.
   Mob wasn't able to sleep in fact he wouldn't let himself sleep. Not in the situation he was in currently. If he fell asleep in the middle of the ocean, only a piece of wood with him- it would not go well.

  His body still ached harshly under his soaked school uniform. Luckily as an esper his healing was faster that normal. But that wasn't enough- he had to sleep to heal.

  He simply spaced off looking at the clouds,
"What do I do now?" It had been awhile since Mob spoke out loud. So he hadn't noticed his voice was harsher, dehydrated from not having access to water.
  He moved his hands, they felt stiff. His knuckles popped as he stretched his hands and arms.  It was uncomfortable to say the least.

  Mob let the waves carry him along, no where to be or go particularly.

   A sound travels through the water suddenly. Mob flinches, noticing this muffled screech from under the sea. The sounds echo around the sea.  He senses beings swimming underwater, approaching fast.

   Mob dipped his head into the water slightly, still holding on to the piece of wood. What he sees underwater is a dark blue blanket like creatures.

  The closer the creatures become he notices it is the shape of a MantaRay, but it seems to have- two heads. They also have small spikes lining its spine and the top of their heads. They also seem to have dorsal fins which are sharp looking.
   Mob starts to panic, 'what?!- is that a dragon?!'   "Ehhh?-" Mob says, nervous of the three sea dragons surrounding him.

   What he didn't expect was two heads peer out from the waves and tilt at him curiously. The scales were beautiful, they were a base of black with an almost glowing blue painted around its body. Their mouth ended with a sharp  point, having this you would think the dragon would be more- fierce.

   Mob shyly said " Uh, Hello there-Do you know where the nearest land is? I'm sort of lost right now. ." 

  The sea dragon pikes its heads looking at Mob with interest.  it uses it's for head and pokes Mobs shoulder. The dragon swims around sniffing at Mob. It then makes a small roar as the rest of its pod emerges from the water. Three dragons in total.
   The group makes gurgles and roars. Then the dragon that Mob first talked to dove under the water speedily. It then rose above water just as fast.  the only thing was that it  emerged above, underneath Mob.

   Mob gets surprised by this but balances himself- now laying on the dragon in-between the rows of spikes. "uh" The dragon starts swimming slowly gaining in speed. Around Mob were the other two. Mob grasps the dragon's spike on their neck near the head of the sudden speed increase.

He shuts his eyes tightly.

  The Dragon swims through the water like a dart. The dragon starts to go underwater. Mob holds his breath at the last second of air. The dragons swim under the waves and use the currents to continue on strongly.

  After holding his breath for a long time, Mob's lungs burn harshly- it felt like they were collapsing. Burning pain, pulses throughout him. Mob squeezes his eyes shut out of pain.

  The Dragon noticed something was wrong and emerged up and up out of the water.  Mob breathes in sharply. Relief rushed through himself. His breaths are erratic and uneven.  After a while of swimming where Mob could breathe- he patted the dragon's side, "Than-k you, I'm ready to go back underwater now."

  The dragon roared sharply, Mob held his breath before the dragon dove under the waves and into the sea.  They dived deeper- into colder waters of the sea. The dragons swam closer to the cliffs of an island, near the rocky floor. It was dark but suddenly the Dragons patterns started to glow beautiful, bright colors. The colors danced and reflected untill they swam into a cave, rising up into an underwater cavern system- full of twists and turns.

Whispers of an Esper turned Dragon (MP100 X HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now