Though eventually, we got all the fish filleted.

Wilbur got a big pot on the stove and poured in the water. I dropped in the fish and measured different seasonings in. 

I poured in some chopped veggies that Wilbur chopped up and dropped In a few bay leaves.

Tommy watched us, mostly me, in fascination.

"Can you make chocolate cake y/n?" Tommy asked from the couch.


He nodded and went back to video games. Odd question, but meh.

Soon, after hours cooking, the stew was down. It's aroma drifted through the whole ravine, making it smell lively and homey.

"Alright Tommy come get your food!"

Tommy hopped off the couch and ran over to me, acting like a child for candy.

"Tommy calm down you knucklehead!"

I poured some soup in a bowl for him and handed him it.

"Be careful it's hot." Wilbur advised Tommy.

Though of course, Tommy didn't listen. He took a sip and burned his tongue.


He ran around, fanning his mouth, but eventually settled down and continued to eat at the table.

Wilbur got himself a bowl and was going to sit down.

"I'll be back Wilbur, going to get Tubbo some."

You filled a bowl, and grabbed a spoon.

They watched as you left the room, walking up the ravine.

You stopped at a door, opening it to see Tubbo fiddling with a piece of blanket.

"Hey Tubbo, how you feeling?"

He looked up and smiled.

"I'm good, is that stew?"

I padded over to him.

"Yup, me and Wilbur made it."

I handed him the bowl as he smelled the air gliding from it.

"It smells so good."

You give him a tiny smile as he tries a spoonful.

His eyes glow up as he takes more eager mouthfuls

"Your the best cook y/n!"

I chuckle and stay there until he is done.

I take the bowl from him and give him a Pat on the head.

"I'll be up later Tubs, see ya."

He waves to me.

"See ya y/n."

I walk out of the room, going in the kitchen and putting the bowl in the basin.

I grab a bowl of soup myself and join Tommy and Wilbur at the table.

"Y/n this is so good! How'd you learn to make it?"

You thought for a moment. You didn't really know. You kinda felt it was from your own mother, but didn't have a memory of it.

"Not sure Tommy."

Wilbur kept glaring at Tommy as they both gave each other nasty looks.

What's wrong with them? Get on the wrong side of the bed?

Everyone finished their bowls as they put them away.

"I'm heading to bed! Night y/n, night Wilbur."

Tommy disappeared up the ravine as me and Wilbur were left.

The silence was pretty awkward, to say so myself.

"I'll be with Tubbo, night Wilbur."

I went over to him and gave him a little hug, before going back up the ravine just as Tommy did.

He watched you walk away. A smile sneaking up his face.

You walked into Tubbo's room and found him staring at the ceiling.

"Y/n, can we go home tomorrow?"

"Yeah Tubs, we can."

I walked over to him, crouching down below his bed as he kept his eyes glued on me.

"Y/n, don't sit down there. Come up here, it's comfier."

"Alright then."

I got up and went to the other side, filing in the bed next to Tubbo.

Cuddling up against him, he put his arm around me and hugged me close.

He smiled and pulled the blanket over me.

"Good night y/n."

I looked in his big blue eyes and yawned.

"night Tubbo."

Then, we both went to sleep.

Tubbo was happy you were there with him, in his arms. He wouldn't want anyone else near you. He'd keep you safe, no matter what.

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