*Chapter 18*

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Waking up the next morning entangled with another person beside him was something Mark would have never imagined.

With his nose inhaling the back of his neck, Mark placed a few butterfly kisses while pulled Donghyuck's waist to his hips.

It was only then did he realize that they were still naked from last nights events. The thought of their bare bodies actually being smothered together made his ears turn red.

Mark slowly caressed up Donghyuck's side to rub the princes shoulder with a gentle massage, examining his golden skin.

Donghyuck stirred in his sleep, turning around so that his face was planted in Mark's chest.

"Don't tell me you're a morning person," Donghyuck mumbled against Mark's bare chest sleepily.

Mark chuckled and shook his head.

"Good because if you were, I'd force you to leave," Donghyuck jokes as Mark scoffed, ruffling the princes hair.

"You wouldn't," Mark stuck his tongue out when Donghyuck raised his head to look up at him with a huff.

"Are you trying to test me?" Donghyuck raised a brow as Mark nodded with a challenge.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes playfully and bit Mark's neck who squirmed.

"Hey!" Mark yelped, pulling Donghyuck's face away from his skin.

Donghyuck snorted loudly.

The two of them stayed in bed together for a while, Donghyuck filling Mark in a little bit about his life as well as Mark doing the same so they could learn more about each other.

Mark felt horrible when he learned the way Donghyuck's parents were killed, leaving him by himself in such a short notice.

That was when he asked the question, "How are you able to deal with this so well when they just passed away?"

Donghyuck looked at their interlocked hands between them—the two of them sitting up against the headboard.

"Whenever the game restarts they always die. I already grieved a long time ago," Donghyuck sighed. "I don't like to relive the same pain I felt a while ago so I learn to just expect it and accept it because there is nothing I could do about it...besides, it's my fault anyway."

Mark frowned, "it's not your fault."

Donghyuck smiled sadly and nodded his head.

"Yes it is."

"Don't blame yourself," Mark assured him as Donghyuck sadly chuckled.

"The original agenda of this game was to protect my kingdom...alongside the queen and king. I would have a bodyguard who would protect me from an assassin from the Kim Dynasty," Donghyuck explained. "The other knights would work for my parents and guard the castle until they all were prepared for war when Kim Dynasty attacked."

Mark listened carefully.

"Doesn't sound too different as it does now right?" Donghyuck asked cheekily as Mark nodded subtly. "It still is kind of the same idea but without the king and queen to rule the kingdom. It's the prince who was accidentally abandoned due to the death of his parents who runs the kingdom now and Kim Dynasty will be attacking in the fifth level. Right now, you and your friends have reached level three: finding me, protecting me back to my castle, and fighting off any predators whether they are human or not. What is next is for all of you to obtain your skill level in order to learn how to use them accordingly and then the last level would be war."

"I don't understand though," Mark softly said.

Donghyuck only hummed, "people usually complete this game in a couple days. It's not a hard game at all, but that's only if you know how to utilize your skills properly...which is why I'll be helping you guys practice to be prepared for the war that is bound to cease upon on very soon."

"Hyuck.." Mark nagged quietly as Donghyuck looked at him, anticipating his question.

"I know you don't understand and I know what you're going to ask me so I'm going to tell you this now.. just ask me and I'll answer you honestly," Donghyuck assured.

It was silent for a few moments as Mark was trying to figure out a way to word what he wanted to ask without offending the prince.

"You said the game was never like this before so why did it change to resulting in your parents death?" Mark finally popped the question after hesitating for a few seconds.

Donghyuck smiled softly.

"Because I tried leaving the game once...and when I came back, those were my consequences," Donghyuck admitted without beating around the bush, making Mark's jaw fall agape.

"B-but why? How did you know that you were living in a video game?" Mark then asked with a follow up.

Donghyuck booped Mark's nose for being so cute.

"Even though this is a video game, we all have lives here. No one ever paid no mind to it because they did not want to be punished, but I just could not seem to let go of how different people managed to come into my world. I was sick and tired of living the same life everyday so one day I made a friend with my bodyguard at the time..his name was Jungwoo. He promised to help me leave the game once they defeated Kim dynasty," Donghyuck explained.

"When level five came and Jungwoo and his friends won, he did his best to pull me back into your world...but I only got a few glimpses of it before I was harshly sucked back into my game with a scroll thrown at my head stating my consequences—my parents constant death—for attempting to flee," Donghyuck concluded. "This was a few years ago but I learned to live with it."

Mark felt terrible, pulling the prince onto his lap.

"You're so strong for having to relive this tragedy every single day..." Mark sweetly spoke, his voice just above a whisper as this was a vulnerable time for Donghyuck though he tried not to show it. "I'll promise I'll find a way to get you out of here."

"Thank you but it's okay. I'm used to it," Donghyuck tried to smile but his tears betrayed him.

Mark shook his head gently, softly holding Donghyuck's chin with his hand to pull his face in to connect their lips.

It was a short but sweet kiss that poured apologies and assurance into until Mark pulled away, "it's not okay. You can cry, Donghyuck."

Donghyuck pursed his lips together, tears brimming his eyes.

He always had to be the strong one for himself and his people but here Mark was encouraging him and reassuring him that it was okay to cry especially with him.

And so that was what Donghyuck did. He cried...he cried his little heart out in Mark's arms.


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