*Chapter 4*

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Everything was black.

That was until, Mark had the genius idea of opening his eyes—blinking them as them twitched around to familiarize himself with his setting.

He was staring at a blue sky that had very few clouds in it, seemingly like the sun was going to be setting in a little while.

Mark rubbed his eyes as he sat up from the hard pavement he was previously laying on.

Though, what caught him off guard was the noise his outfit made, taking a peak down at his attire to which he let out a confused hum.

He stood up from the ground. His body was covered from head to toe in silver metal gear with a red leather vest. He had a red belt that outlined his waistline, which was also where a large sword was kept.

Just as he was about so touch it, something else happened.

Suddenly, a clink was heard behind him as he quickly spun on his heels with his pleather red boots seeing as a metal head wear was laying on the cement—probably completing Mark's look.

He raised a brow as he bent over to pick it up, examining its features before sticking it between his rib age and inner arm.

Mark used his unoccupied hand to comb it through his fading blue hair, letting out a sigh.

What the heck was happening and where were his friends?

Mark was so confused right now but surprisingly he was calm and that shocked him for the most part. He would have thought he would have been freaking out by now but here he was.

In another sudden, a piece of paper floating from the sky and into Mark's hands.

Skeptically, Mark read the paper which told him to head straight ahead into the kingdom to receive more rules and direction to follow.

That was when it hit Mark.

He paused in his tracks.

"Im in 'I've Been Dreaming: Save Lee Dynasty'" he concluded before shaking his head. "But how and where are the others?"

He knows his best friends had to be here somewhere in because there was no way he was the only one stuck in this video. The others had to be here too, Mark could feel it in his body that they were.

He then continued walking straight down the path. Luckily, it was daytime otherwise it would have been so hard to see in the dark.

"Mark Hyung!"

The oldest looked ahead of his with a satisfied smile and a sigh of relief when he saw Renjun, Jaemin, and Chenle before him, standing there in colorful outfits.

Their tights and jacket were red and yellow as were their hat which also had two bells that allowed the hot to drape. Their shoes were pointy with a small bell that made noise each time they took a step.

They were jesters for a reason.

Mark wanted to laugh at his friends but they already ran up to him, pulling the oldest into a group hug.

"I've was so scared, Hyung!" Chenle pouted.

"I know, I know. It's okay," Mark assured, patting the top of his jester hat that rang because of his little bells on them.

"Where are we?" Jaemin curcuously asked.

"And why the hell are we dressed like we're apart of Shakespeares play for real?" Renjun commented with pure disgust in his voice as he looked at their outfits. "You know I was only trying to make a comparison earlier..not have it actually happen!"

I've Been Dreaming {Markhyuck} ||CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now