*Chapter 15*

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Donghyuck had a small smile on his while Mark's brows furrowed, a bit of anger raging from inside of him.

"What?" Mark sternly asked, emphasizing the 't' sound at the end.

Donghyuck knew those words hit Mark deeply as he could sense the agitation and hurt in his voice.

"You heard me Mr. Bodyguard," Donghyuck said before turning around to look at the setting sun, leaning his forearms on the railing.

Mark cursed, "What the hell are you saying? I know that you can feel the stuff we have going on between us just like I do."

Donghyuck hummed, closing his eyes.

"Donghyuck, please." Mark said most softly this time. "I know we just met but I know you feel it too."

The prince cranked his head to the side to raise a brow at the taller. "Do I Mark? Do I really feel the same way you feel?"

Mark's mouth fell slightly agape as his hands balled into fists by his sides.

"You do," Mark confirmed but then hesitantly paused before uttering, "or at least I thought you did."

And Donghyuck hated to see Mark doubt his feelings for him. It was the last thing he would have ever wanted.

"I like you," Mark admitted.

So much for not being interested in getting into a relationship because right now, Mark was ready to risk it all for Donghyuck even if it meant pain in the end.

"A-and I know we just met but I know what I feel and I've never felt this way about anyone before," Mark continued.

Donghyuck sighed a bit as he stood up straight, cupping Mark's cheeks with his soft warm hands. Mark leaned his cheek against the princes palm as he shut his eyes with content, loving the feeling of the young princes comfort.

"I'm just a character in a video game," Donghyuck whispered gently while Mark shook his head in the princes palm.

"No you're not," Mark interjected. "If you were, you wouldn't know you were just a game piece."

"You're more than that," Mark fluttered his eyes open.

Donghyuck stayed quiet for a few moments before giggling sweetly. "You don't know me, Mark. How could you like me?"

"Well you don't know me either so how could you like me?" Mark retorted with a subtle nose scrunch and oh how Donghyuck just wanted to kiss that sweet sharp nose of his.

"I don't know," Donghyuck answered with a sad smile. "But I know I'm scared that it will hurt us so bad when the game is over."

Mark shook his head again, "so then you'll come with me."

Donghyuck let out a small laugh, "I'm part of the game Mark. It doesn't work like that."

Mark clenched his jaw, "then I'll come back for you and visit everyday."

"I can't ask you to do that when you have a whole life outside of the game," Donghyuck responded.

"I'd do anything for you," Mark instantly said with determination.

Mark could see Donghyuck think for a second as he beat him to speak. "I know it sounds crazy, Hyuck. But please. I don't want to lose you...please."

"My blood is on your hands remember?" Mark reminded the young prince who chewed on his bottom lip. "I'm yours."

Mark brought his own hand to touch the dried up blood on his neck, "I belong to you."

He used his other hand to pull Donghyuck's hand that was on his cheek to replace the one on his neck. Mark made the princes fingers lace around his neck before gently grabbing ahold of Donghyuck's chin.

Donghyuck hummed with content, loving the feeling of Mark's hands controlling his.

"I belong to you," the prince repeated.

"So then don't do this...let us grow together. I'll do whatever it takes to see you," Mark promised.

Donghyuck felt his eyes getting teary.

He had never had anyone in his life tell this to him and he felt so loved and cared for, especially from a guy he just met in his own video game.

Mark slid his hands, caressing Donghyuck's cheek to wipe away the single tear that escaped his eye. Mark looked at him with such adoration.

"Don't cry, baby," Mark said with a hushed tone, bringing the princes head to come closer so that he could plant his thin lips for a chaste kiss on his soft melanin skin.

And Donghyuck could not hold it in much longer, tears streaming down his face as he threw his arms around Mark.


Again I'm late, but I still made it before midnight ehehe it's been pretty hectic lately!! Hopefully you all are doing well <3

I've Been Dreaming {Markhyuck} ||CompleteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant