*Chapter 10*

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Prince Lee Donghyuck could feel it in his bones and by the wind blew softly that there was something bound to take off right here and then.

Something dangerous.

"Are we almost there your highness?" Chenle curiously asked, pulling the prince out of his trance.

Donghyuck hunmed.

"Just a few more miles," Donghyuck assured.

"Thank god because my feet are killing me!" Jaemin whined which made everyone chuckle.

Jeno suddenly scurried in front of Jaemin, crouch down, "here. Lemme give you a ride."

Jaemin clapped his hands with a gasp as he wasted no time and jumped on his boyfriend's back who began carrying him during their journey.

Mark was right beside Donghyuck, keeping his gapped distance from the prince so that he did not cross any boundaries.

The other's were in their own little world, Jisung and Chenle chatting about how cool the video game has been so far while Jaemin was on Jeno's back, staying how strong he was while Renjun nagged him to shut up.

Mark stole glances at Donghyuck from time to time, only to realize the prince smirking.

"Do I look that mesmerizing?" Donghyuck playfully asked joyfully.

Mark's ears turned red as he focused on the pathway in the woods in front of them.

"So you find me be opposite?" Donghyuck jokingly asked and Mark could not believe his ears right now.

He rapidly shook his head, waving his hands dismissively in the air while looking at the prince.

"That's not what I meant your highness! I-"

"Relax, Lee." Donghyuck interrupted. "No need to be on edge."

Mark released a sharp breath and nodded slowly.

"So how did you get stuck in here?" Donghyuck asked more seriously this time.

Mark tilted his head in confusion as to what the prince was talking about right now.

"The game. How did you get stuck in the game and how did the rest of your friends end here?"

Mark thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"There's never a dull moment with them. The most random thing could happen and it would not faze us one bit," Mark answered.

Donghyuck raised a brow, cross his arms over his chest.

"You seemed pretty fazed by my presence right now but I guess that's besides the point," Donghyuck teased which made Mark's face flush.

He suddenly thought for a moment before speaking, "how did you know?"

Donghyuck only gave a sly grin before asking and playing dumb. "How did I know what?"

"How did you know we're not actually part of the video game?" Mark then questioned as Donghyuck chuckled sligjtlyz

"No one in the amount of years this game has been out, has ever acted this way toward me before. You guys do not look like you know your characters at all," Donghyuck explained as a matter of factly.

Mark took some offense towards it for his best friends, but he knew that Donghyuck was absolutely right about that.

"I still don't get it. Are we not utilizing our characters properly?" Mark asked, worry laced in his voice.

Donghyuck shook his head, "not necessarily. All of you have special skills and unique ways of expressing them so it's only normal for me to point out when you do it. I heard Jaemin the other day used his magic."

Mark's jaw fell slightly.

How did Donghyuck know about that when he was not even there? Was there someone who was giving in our whereabouts? No.

Were their cameras? No.

"He did. He saved us from being attacked by a bear," Mark recalled.

"You all should have unlocked your weapons and skills the moment you got here," Donghyuck hinted.

Mark then furrowed his brows and stopped walking, causing the young prince to notice and stop walking as well—the other boys were continuing ahead of them.

"How did you know that this is a video game? Aren't you a character? Aren't you not supposed to know?" Mark interrogated as Donghyuck sheepishly laughed and looked at the ground with a smirk crawling over his face.

Donghyuck turned to face Mark completely, his arms crossing over his chest cockily.

"Who are you to question your prince?" He raised a brow at the blue haired night.

Mark's eyes widened, raising both hands in defense before apologizing repeatedly.

Donghyuck snorted, extending his hands to lower Mark's arms down who flinched with a wave of fear at the touch.

It was the prince for crying out loud and he had all the ability and authority to kill him right then and there.

Who would not be scared?

Mark looked at him with confusion as his arms slowly fell.

"For well built knight, you're a scaredy cat," Donghyuck decided to tease his bodyguard.

Mark gasped with offense, "hey! I-I'm not a scaredy cat."

Donghyuck gave him a look of disbelief while chuckling some more, "is that so?"

Mark affirmed with a head nod.


Donghyuck walked closer until their chests were touching. And even though Mark was a centimeter or two taller, that did not faze the young prince to look at him with sharp, daring eyes.

"Is that really so?" Donghyuck questioned.

Mark gulped.

What is going on?

Before he met the prince, Mark was confident and mature as he would be able to take on anything.

And now just with Donghyuck's eyes, he feels so weak and not in control of his body while being in his presence.

Cursing in his mind for letting himself become like this in front of Donghyuck, he mustered up all his confidence to stand closer to Donghyuck—as if he were not any closer before—and let a grin display on his face.

"Do you want me to prove it to you?" Mark asked with a taunt, looking down at the young prince with his siren brown eyes.

Donghyuck was quite taken aback with this because now it felt like the rolls were completely switched.

Where was his bodyguard that was afraid of him a few hours ago? Where did this confidence come from?

And most importantly, why was it attracting Donghyuck?


I've Been Dreaming {Markhyuck} ||CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ