Chapter 5: Maiden Meeting

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Forgot to post this two days in a row and since I can't sleep and may forget to post it tomorrow, I'm going to post it now! I hope you enjoy today's chapter!







Jaune and Winter were training in the Combat Room, and it was far different than any of the spars Jaune had had previously.

Winter easily blocked a swing from Jaune's sword, She then pushed his sword away and went to deliver a kick, but the young blonde had seen it coming and with his shield, blocked the attack successfully. Winter was impressed that he was able to predict her attack, showing her that not only was his skill in combat improving, but he was able to read patterns from his opponent.

Winter removed her leg from Jaune's shield and then backflipped away from him before she summoned a Glyph underneath him, and quickly Jaune was shot up into the air. Jaune was shocked by what had just happened, but then he saw Winter shooting up in the air and right toward him, quickly, he raised his shield and prepared for her attack, which he was able to block once again. However, Winter used another Glyph to land then jumped back toward Jaune and this time, managed to slash him on his other side.

Jaune felt the impact of the attack on his aura as he fell to the floor. He landed on his back and winced in pain, but quickly got back up and put up a defensive stance as he looked at Winter.

Winter smiled as she saw this and she popped out her secondary blade from her saber and she smiled as she quickly rushed at Jaune.

She swung her saber at him but he managed to deflect it with his shield and that's when he tried to go in for a thrusting attack but it was Winter's turn to deflect his own attack with her secondary weapon. Neither of the two managed to land a hit, that was until Winter jumped up into the air and with both legs, kicked Jaune in the chest so hard that he was sent flying back.

Jaune was sent flying across the arena and hit the wall before falling to the ground flat on his stomach. The blonde knight groaned in pain as he got up, "Ouch," He said.

Winter, on the other end of the arena, popped her secondary blade back into place and then sheathed her saber and walked over to him with a small smile, "I think that's enough for today," She told him, "Are you ok?" She asked.

Jaune got to his feet and bent backward a bit with a smile, "Besides you kicking my butt, I'm fine," He said in a joking manner.

Winter chuckled at him, "Good to hear," She replied.

Jaune nodded, "Gotta say, though, You've been giving Pyrrha a run for her money! You're way harder on me than she is," He told her.

Hearing that, she realized she had gone a bit far, this was supposed to be a spar where he could keep up, but instead, Winter had gone all out. "Ah, my mistake," Winter said, "In the academy, they've trained us to hit as hard as you can, each fight should be treated as a real one," Winter told him.

Jaune shook his head, "No, It's alright, it's actually letting me realize just how far behind I am, and how much hard work I need to do," He reassured her. "Plus, I think you tell me what I'm doing wrong better than Professor Goodwitch," Jaune chuckled.

Winter laughed at the joke as well, "You best not let her hear you say that, Jaune, I've heard she's got quite the temper," Winter said, remembering stories Ironwood had told her about the fearsome combat teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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