Chapter 2: Forming a Bond

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"Greif knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can, and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys" - Alphonse de Lamartine




Years ago, when they were still children, Winter sat next to her sister on her bed, a book in hand as she read the story.

"Alyx looked at the Rusted Knight, sadness was written all over her face, "You can come with me," she told him, "You have been with me from the beginning, you are my friend, and I can not imagine a world without you in it, I would very much love if you came home with me," Alyx told The Rusted Knight," Winter read.

Weiss smiled as Winter read her the final pages of the story, waiting to hear the end of it. Winter saw Weiss's joy and couldn't help but be infected by her happy sister.

Winter turned the page and continued to read, "The Rusted knight shook his head, "I'm afraid I can not come with you," The Rusted Knight replied, "My place is here, I still have something to do here," he said. Alyx frowned and placed her hand on his helmet, "Then... can I see the face of my hero?" She asked, and she tried to pull the helmet off, but the Rusted Knight gently grabbed her hand and stopped her, "I'm no Hero Alxy, I'm just doing my job," he told her," Winter read, "With those words, Alyx smiled at him even though her heart broke, but she leaned close to him and she placed a soft kiss on his helmet, "Goodbye, my dear friend," Alyx said, "Goodbye... Alyx," The Rusted Knight said, his tone holding sorrow. With that, Alyx left the Ever After, and returned home, where her friends and family eagerly awaited her... the end," Winter finished, and she closed the book.

Weiss yawned, "I loved that story," Weiss said, "Which one is it again?" she asked.

Winter showed her the title and it read, "The girl who fell through the world". Winter then set the book down as Weiss got ready for bed.

As Weiss covered herself up in her blankets, she looked at her older sister, "Winter, why do you love that story so much?" she asked.

Winter looked at her sister and smiled softly at her, "Grandfather gave me this book," She told her sister, "He said it was his favorite since he was a kid,"

Weiss smiled, "Did Grandfather have a favorite character?" Weiss asked.

Winter shrugged, "Didn't say, he simply told me the story was the best he ever read as a child," Winter replied, "Why? Do you have a favorite character, Weiss?" Winter asked with a smile.

Weiss nodded, "Mhm! The Rusted Knight!" Weiss said, "He's so brave and I also think he's handsome!" Weiss said with a light blush.

Winter giggled, "Even though he didn't take off his helmet?" she asked with an amused smile.

Weiss nodded and still smiled, "What about you Winter?" Weiss asked, "Who's your favorite character?" Weiss asked.

Winter continued to smile as she looked at her sister, "Believe it or not, I too like the Rusted Knight," Winter told her sister, before leaving and heading toward her room.

After a long day of training with Penny and the rest of her team, Winter had left Beacon and took a Bullhead down to Vale to have a few hours of relaxation, however, there was a tiny problem, she didn't know what she was going to do in the city. This wasn't Atlas, she didn't know where the hotspots in the city were, as a matter of fact, even if she did, she had no idea how to get there, she didn't have a car or know which bus or train to take.

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