Chapter 1: How Soldier Met Knight

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"Be gentle love my bones may be made of metal but I've a heart made of glass" - Dally London


Note: Originally, this was gonna be one long story, but I decided to break it into parts, this is the first part. Part 1 takes place during the events of Volumes 2-3, while part 2 (which would be a separate story) takes place during Volumes 7-8.

Yes, I'll be skipping over Volumes 4, 5, and 6, though some of the events from those volumes will be different, due to what transpired in this part of the story. I'm hoping to make a Part 3 but I have to wait to watch Volume 9 in its full.

As of right now, the first chapter takes place a day after the Volume 1 finale

Anyway, I Hope you all enjoy this story as trust me, there'll be so much Comfort/Hurt in this freaking story!





She was with her grandfather as they looked over the city of Atlas and she thought it was the most beautiful sight as she also saw the snow fall from the sky.

"It's beautiful Grandfather," She said with a smile.

He smiled and gave her a nod, "It is," He said, "Your mother tells me You want to become a huntsman, is that true?" he asked.

Hearing his question, she looked down sadly, "I also want to join the military," Winter said, "Are you going to try and stop me like my mother? Or are you going yell at me like my father?" She asked.

He shook his head as he smiled, "No, I'm not going to do anything of the sort," He told her, "I'm going to support you,"

Hearing him say that, her eyes widened and she turned back to him with a shocked expression, "You... you are?" she asked him.

"Of course," He said, "On the condition, you can answer two of my questions,"

Winter looked at him, still confused, "What are they?" she asked.

He smiled, "The first question, why do you want to join the military and be a Huntsman?" He asked.

"I... I want to get out from under father's influence, I don't want him controlling my life, I don't want to be the damsel people see me as," she told him, "But I... I want to protect people, I don't care who they are, human or Faunus, I just want to protect them, as you did," She told him.

Those words hit his heart more than she could ever know, and he smiled at his granddaughter with a bright and proud smile. "That's a good reason, my dear, and I can't tell you how proud of you I am to hear you say that," He said.

She blushed and became bashful at her grandfather's words, "Grandfather..." She groaned while she hid behind her hands.

He laughed at her bashful behavior, "I'm sorry my dear, but it's true!" he cried with laughter, "You've made this old man proud,"

She removed her hands from her face and looked back at her grandfather, "Thank you," She replied, smiling brightly.

"Now then, my second question," He began, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked.

The Soldier and The Knight: Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora