:) Chapter fifteen

150 3 38

Oct, 24, 2010
Second entry

Glenn was searching the camp for Milo. Of course the first place he looked was with sophia and carl, Glenn had assumed that he would be with atleast one of them. But he wasn't. Neither of them had seen him since last night.

But they had told him some places milo might've went, It was actually a lot of places and Glenn wondered how any of them had time to find all these secret places.

So he went to the first place they told him, The treehouse.

The treehouse was just like they had said was a mile maybe not even a whole one just a half mile away from camp. Glenn walked up to it. It looked not safe at all as he walked around the tree to the front where the treehouse ladder was.

Glenn jumped when he rounded the corner and he saw the legs of a walker just laying on the ground. It was headless. Where its head was is a mystery, It was laying there.

As he got closer to the ladder he realized that this seemed like it was gonna be a bust and that milo wasn't up in the treehouse, The trapdoor was closed and it was dead silent. No breathing, Nothing.

But that didn't stop him from climbing the ladder and tapping the trapdoor three times, Three was Milo's favorite number. Usually tapping or doing things in three gets milos attention as milo usually prefers doing everything in threes.

No response.

Glenn sighed, He climbed down. He hoped milo didn't get lost but then knowing how easy the young boy got distracted, It was a very strong possibility.

It was that fact that glenn usually made sure someone was with milo to make sure he stayed on track. He really should get the boy a walkie-talkie, Milo had been begging for one but glenn hadn't been able to find good ones that went far distance and good quality.

Glenn trekked through the woods until he found the other place that the kids had told him. It was just a random place or atleast thats what they said, But as Glenn walked up to it he thought otherwise.

It was a small clear spot by this big tree, It was those trees that had one of those tree hollows, It was small enough for a nine year old to squeeze into but it didn't didn't seem big enough for even a child to stand all the way up, Actually milo might be short enough.

Anyways moving on from the tree there was a small creek, It barely was knuckle deep. It had a fast current and pretty rocks at the bottom of it. Glenn kinda wanted to take one as a reminder of this small camp. Maybe he will spin back when he finds his brother.

Obviously milo wasn't here either.

He kinda did just want to lay down here and stay, But he couldn't. Milo needed to pack and eat dinner. Glenn had put some supper from last night aside for him. Milo fell asleep before he could eat and woke up and left before glenn could ask about eating breakfast/the leftovers.

Glenn trekked through the woods and only by a mere inch avoided a thorny patch of plants, He didnt know what they were and didn't want to find out. He walked and watched very carefully where he stepped, While walking he was thinking of where to check next. He decided to go to the flower patch or as carl called it 'Barn animal grave yard.' Glenn didnt ask why, He really didn't want to know why carl nicknamed the field that.

It didn't take long for glenn to get from the creek to the flower patch. It looked nothing like what glenn thought it would, He assumed it would look dead and awful, I mean why else would it have been called the 'Barn animal grave yard?' But it wasnt. It was breath taking actually.

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