:) Chapter Nine

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Oct, 23, 2010
Fourth entry

I sat under a tree writing in my journal as carl ran around with carols daughter, I think her name is sophia i havent really hung out with her but she is sweet from the times we have talked i can tell you that and shes pretty, I dont think i like her or have a crush on her, But carl might.

Im not sure what i feel towards her since i dont know her at all, I would like to get to know her. I just havent had the courage yet.

I remember what my dad used to say about love and the way he would talk about my mom. He would always tell me the same story over and over again, But i loved hearing it, Its a simple and boring story to most probably but it was my favorite bedtime story.

My dad grew up moving around alot, It was mainly because of my grandad he was trying to start a business but it wouldnt kick off so they moved to all different places in hopes it would, Later on it would, But that happens years after where this story takes place, (He always added this small detail about how the business didnt take off till he meet mom.) This was what my grandma said would be their last stop since she was tired of moving around and wanted to settle down. If the business didnt take off she didnt care, They would live they always did. Dad didnt remember the towns name, He said it was so big that he barely knew hes classmates, (Very different from where they lived in the past) He was seventeen as well.

My mom grew up in this town she was older then my dad by a year, She just moved out of her parents house and she was waiting to get accepted into college she had some in mind but she hadnt picked one. She had dreams of going to college and then moving somewhere far she didnt know where but somewhere nice and where she could see the stars, She always wanted to stargaze.

My dad on the other hand wanted the exact opposite, He wanted to stay and settle down he was tired of moving around. He just wanted a place to call home, He said he was done exploring he did enough of that in hes childhood. He didnt even know if he wanted to go to collage, He could just work with hes dad till hes dying breath, That was if the store would kick off. The only reason my parents crossed paths is because grandad had him after school going from store to store asking if they knew any places for sell and if anyone in this town would enjoy a flower boutique.

He walked into a small bakery it was the only store he hadnt been in, My mom worked there to pay bills and maybe someday she could buy a better car then her almost broke down pick up truck. (She almost did get a new one, But she never got the chance.) She lied to my dad and said her name was maya, Her name was Lydia. My dad was Juno, They both lied about something when they first meet, Dad said he was nineteen, I found this lie funny since he couldnt drive and he could barely see over the steering wheel. I dont know maybe alot of "Nineteen" year olds are short, I cant even say anything im short too, But im also nine so i can grow a few. Anyways, They end up hanging out my dad made up this whole story, I would give him points if it wasnt all a lie, This has always made me confused on how they could tell all these lies but i couldn't even tell a small white lie without breaking out in hives.

Staying on topic here now, Uhh where was i? Oh yeah, They hung out a few times turns out they didn't learn the truth about each other till almost a year later. They didn't talk to each other again, I dont really blame any which one of them they both lied, one worse then the other. Im not all sure how they started talking again this is usually where my dad wrapped the story up and would say, "Few years later and we meet again. This time we fell in love and got married." The end.

Happy ever after.

"Milo, Milo!" I heard my name being shouted, I looked up to see carl running towards me at full speed. I was about to get up and run towards him. But before i could move carl slid towards me, Basebal slid style. Hes feet hit the roots of the tree that were sprouting from the ground, "Ow ow ow, That hurt really badly." Carl groaned as he held hes feet.

"Whats the matter?" I asked ignoring the fact he said he was in pain, Just wondering why he ran at me.

"Uh- What?"

"You ran at me- Then slid." I moved my hand in the air and made a swish sound. "Also you said Uhh- Pain, You said you were in pain- I think..."



"You need to breathe before you speak." Carl said with a grin on hes face, I didn't know what he was happy about. "But to answer your question, Nothing is wrong."

"Then why- Why did you run at me?"

"Oh, I didn't know how to get your attention any other way."

"What- That doesn't even make- I dont-" i was so confused, He could of just said my name he didn't have to run and make me think he was dying.

"It made sense to me." Carl shrugged as he sat by me and picked the grass, "You need to finish one sentence before starting another, I like the way you talk but it gets confusing sometimes-"

"Like riddles?"

"Exactly!" Carl grinned, "You start one sentence somewhere and began another and then finish the first while your saying the second one." Carl spoke alot with he's hands, Im not sure why maybe to help with all the energy he has? "But i like the way you talk, It suits you."

"What does that even mean?" I asked as i moved the ribbon up and down my wrist. My journal was closed and sat beside me, Carl was still picking at the grass.

"Whatever you want it to mean." He shrugged, He looked at me as hes head layed against the trunk of the tree. "Did glenn say bye before he left this time?"

I scowled, Glenn recently hasnt being saying bye before he left on runs, Im not sure why i haven't had the chance to ask him.

"No he didn't."

It was my turn to get a hair cut, Lori stood behind me as i sat on the same chair carl sat in, I heard the slice of the Scissors.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors-"

My fist gently hit the palm of my hand, I chose rock, Carl chose scissors.

"Rock beats scissors."

"No it doesn't." Carl said as he rolled hes eyes, He placed hes hands in hes lap. This was our fourth round and i beat him each time, So maybe he was a tad mad.

"What- What do you mean it doesn't?" I could feel my nose get scrunched up, It does that when i get confused. Its a very annoying feeling, Another annoying feeling is my hair thats getting chopped off tickling my neck as it falls or it just laying on my neck and falling into my shirt.

"Rock beats scissors, Scissors beat paper and paper beats rock, Those are the simplest rules, Carl."

"How? How does rock beat scissors?" Carl asked as he stared right into my eyes. "If i took a rock to scissors right in this moment, who would win? Not rock i can tell you that."

I groaned, He does this every single time. "Scissors wouldn't win, None of them would. Its just a game."

"Its just a game." Carl said in a mocking tone, I rolled my eyes at him. One day this boy is gonna miss my voice and the way i talk.

"Boys-" Shane began to speak as he walked towards us, Still in the same clothes he was in when we were hunting for those frogs, (The same frogs i think dont exist.) He froze in hes spot just staring, I didn't understand why.

Lori tapped me on the shoulder, "Go and play, Im done." She smiled and brushed gently against the back of my neck to get the hairs off. "Make sure you run water through your hair tonight before bed, Okay dear?"

I stood up and dusted my hair of my shirt, The parts i could see atleast. "Will you help me make sure i dont waste to much water?" She walked behind me and helped brush the rest of the hair on my shirt.

"Of course i will, dear." She smiled at me before grabbing her son gently by the shoulders. "Rock beats scissors anytime of the year, Love." Carl rolled he's eyes and opened he's mouth to say something back,
"Run along and go play, You little rascals."

"But shane-"

"You let me worry about him, Carl." She shooed us away with her hands. "Go be kids, Cause some trouble- Not to much though, Okay?"

"Okay, mom."

"Rodger that."

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